Chapter 58

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Turned out that boss wasn't all that cold-blooded at all. He permitted me to not to have the talk and I was so relieved and also so messed up after the few e-mails. That guy did what to me? I could barely remember the walk, the beach and the sand under my shoes, the empty room with a treadmill and everything else was a blur.

Oh, and there was Syn. He was a hero came to the rescue. I know it sounded so lame, but even little things needed rescues too. For example, a cupcake accident.

"Fire! Jack! Fire! There's fire in the kitchen! Oh my gosh!" Syn ran into my room when I was playing World of Warcraft and was pretty ashamed of myself who just did a virtual chicken dance to a lady and he was still wearing a pink apron which came from nowhere (Actually he looked kind of cute with pink, even though I didn't like pink at all.) , "I'm sorry!"

I sprang out from behind my computer and rushed to the kitchen. The oven was not on fire. The cupcakes were only half-baked in it, still not puffy. "What are you talking about?" I looked at him, confused. And now I noticed that he had kitchen gloves on too, which just made him look cuter.

Maybe he's born to be a house-wife, Little voice chuckled seducingly. I blushed and told it to shush.

He looked at me with big, watery puppy eyes, "Or maybe I just accidentally turned on the stove with the real fire in it."

"Gosh!" I almost slapped my forehead with the heel of my hand and stopped that stupid action, and instead I scowled at him to cover my embarrassment, "Are you serious? Fire in the kitchen?"

No. No big puppy eyes.

"Fine!" I said in frustration, "Fine, fine. Just watch it, and whatever else, okay?"

And I realised half an hour later that I hadn't lived. "Whatever else = the best cupcakes in the world" was only just the lamest equation I could come up with when I tasted them.

Yeah, right, maybe they weren't the best. But they were made by the person I loved best. And no, I did not just use the word love. You must had seen it wrong.

Anyway, whatever word I used, they were really good anyway. Part of the reason was that I already gave up junk food that would be sweet when I was a teenager- didn't want to get too fat. Then I limited myself with only chips and the sort, like, the relatives an far-away relatives of chips. And I drank water so I couldn't possibly get a sore throat again.

Sometimes I didn't, though.

Just... Wanted to try the cute thing in his white box once in a while.

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