Chapter Thirty Two

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I could feel his chest beneath my head, rising and falling slowly, his breath tickling the back of my neck and kept my eyes closed for a few more minutes listening to the sound of his heartbeat and the occasional flutter of a book page being turned. One of his arms was around my shoulder and occasionally I felt his finger drum subconsciously on my arm. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look into his perfect eyes but found myself bursting out laughing for perched at the end of his nose were a pair of reading glasses which looked like a pair my granddad would wear. The second he registered I was awake he snatched the glasses of his face but his cheeks still glowed and he looked sheepish.

I watched as he tried to think of something to say but clearly, for once, was speechless. “Those are incredibly sexy” I said sitting up slightly wearing only one of Benedict’s t-shirts. He pushed me playfully, still his cheeks blushing and leant over to his bedside where a pot of tea and two mugs sat on a tray. “What time were you up then?” I asked, blowing of the steaming liquid. “Oh I have been awake for a little while, I couldn’t sleep very well” He smiled at me but it was clear that something wasn’t quite right. I wove my fingers through his and rubbed my thumb on the back of his palm, the way he usually did to me. “What’s up?” my voice was quiet and consoling rather than pushy. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and then ruffled the back of his hair. “I guess” he started, his eyes avoiding mine “That I… erm… that I am nervous about meeting your parents. I mean what if I mess it up, or if they don’t like me or I do something really embarrassing” he gushed and then sighed “I just really want this to go well because you mean so much to me”

My heart seemed to swell with his words and, putting the tea down, I knelt up so I could place my hands on either side of his face “Benedict there is no reason for you to be nervous ok? You are one of the nicest, funniest and sweetest guys there is that there is no way my family wont love you. And if they don’t then screw them we can elope” I joked and he smiled back at me, planting a series of light kisses on my lips. I heard my phone buzz and swiped the screen to read the message:

Shall we say drinks at 1 o’clock dinner on the table at 2? Your brothers will be coming. M x

I threw the phone down on the bed and the lock screen lit up, a drunken picture of Benedict and I where we are both pulling weird faces and the time caught my eye. It was 11 am. Fudge. I jumped out of the bed “What is it?” Benedict said, catching the tea cups before they fell over. “It’s an hour drive to their house and we are not dressed or ready or anything, we need to leave in an hour and I need to go home to get some clothes.” I said, frantically pulling at my hair. “Let’s get going then” Benedict said as he walked towards his en-suite and I couldn’t help but watch him go as he was dressed only in his expensive boxers. “You know” Benedict said popping his head round the door of the already steaming bathroom, pulling me out of my trance, “We would save time, and water, if we both showered at the same time” He had his smug half grin on his face as if he knew that my heart rate was now doubling in speed. “How very environmentally friendly of you” I said sarcastically walking towards him “You know me got to preserve the worlds habitats” he said wrapping his hands around my waist.

An hour later we were on the road in Benedict’s sports car, him dressed in grey suit trousers with a matching blazer and a light blue shirt the first few buttons undone and I was wearing a floral dress with ballet pumps. The drive was much quicker in such a fast car and I loved watching the way the city landscape changed to more rural the houses become bigger and further apart. The whole way Benedict was drumming his hand on his leg so when the inbuilt SatNav announced that we were a mile away I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tightly and he squeezed my hand in return. We both looked at each other at the same time and I couldn’t help but smiling. He drove up the long gravel driveway to my family house and I saw the usual array of cars on the drive way that made this car look cheap. He opened my door for me and I climbed out and took his hand in mine. He coughed, straightened his jacket before we walked up the few steps of the wide porch.

I rang the bell and watched as a figure approached through the tinted double fronted door. “Darling” My father said throwing open the door, a tumbler in his huge hands. I got on much better with my dad, especially when he wasn’t with my mum or when we are not talking about business. My dad is quite a large man, not in width ways (well slightly), but he is pushing 6 foot 5 and was dressed in tan trousers and a pink shirt. He kissed me on both cheeks and I introduced Benedict who stepped forward and shook my dad’s hand “Pleasure to meet you Mr Mitchell”
“Please call me David, well come through come through, your mother is in the kitchen and your brothers are in the garden. Dad walked off into the drawing room, probably getting more whisky, so I led Benedict into the kitchen. There are not many times that my mother isn’t at the height of social etiquette but when Benedict walked into the kitchen she seemed to transform. “Mother this is Benedict” He kissed her on both cheeks and stood back next to me as we both waited for her to recover. She opened at closed her mouth numerous times, her eyes wide before she managed to regain control. She smoothed her dress down before saying “Delightful to meet you” Her voice much higher than usual and I had to bite my cheek hard to stop myself from laughing. She handed me a glass of wine and Benedict a scotch which he thanked her for “You can call me Susan my dear” she said and he nodded before I lead him through the conservatory to the garden.

“Oi oi there she is” called one of my brothers from where they were all sat
“Derek?” I called, barely believing my eyes. He jumped up and hugged me tightly, practically picking me up of the ground. He was wearing shorts and a polo top and his skin was a golden brown. Derek is the third brother and is the youngest apart from me. He and I get on very well but he left a year ago to work out in Tanzania “Gosh I had no idea you were going to be here!” I practically squealed “I’m glad you’re here now” He said “Saving me from these boring sods”
“Derek this is Benedict my boyfriend” Derek looked at Benedict who had been standing behind me looking around the long ,perfectly mowed, stretch of lawn with flowers along the edges and a summer house at the end. Derek’s eyes flittered between me and Benedict silently communicating with me “I know” I mouthed. Derek shook his hand and we walked over to the glass garden table. “Benedict this is James and Henry” I said pointing to my eldest brothers both in black suits with white shirts although they had managed to take their ties off. They shook hands as well but then continued talking about the stock markets in hushed voices.

Derek rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue at their backs. Benedict began asking questions about Tanzania and before long mum was calling us in to eat. “This all looks amazing Susan” Benedict said politely and my mum beamed as we all sat down in the dining room. The tall walls had a few pieces of art hung on them and a long side bar was at one end and at the other was a glasses cabinet. The wood was all dark and the walls a deep shade of green but luckily the sun was still shining through the large windows illuminating the room. I squeezed Benedict’s leg beneath the table and he smiled at me, placing his hand on mine. Now we just had to get through the meal.  

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