Chapter Twenty

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I walked through to the door that Benedict and Mark had left through about 2 hours ago. I opened it onto another room this one empty as well. My heart rate increased a bit as I began speed walking through this new one to the door at the other end. It opened into a cloak room and I slammed the door in frustration. I looked around the room and saw another door. As I approached it the lights flickered slightly and a cold breeze entered the room, causing all the hairs on the back of my spine to stand up.

Swallowing my nerves I continued through the room, I placed my hand on the handle –what was that? I spun around to see the door I had entered through slamming shut and then the lights went out. Turning back to the door I reached aimlessly for the handle, feeling along the cold hard wood for it. I heard someone stumbling into the furniture behind me. Come on come on. Finally I found the knob and turned it desperately.

Nothing happened. The noise behind me was getting louder. I turned the handle forward and back again and again. Taking a deep breath I tried shoving my shoulder into the door, trying anything. I staggered back in pain as my shoulder had hit something cold and hard. I reached up and felt a sturdy bolt. Thanking my lucky stars I pulled the bolt down, turned the handle and slammed the door closed behind me.

Leaning against the door for support I realised I was back in the dancing room. Even better though I saw Benedict leaning back in one of the leather arm chairs talking to Mark. He sat with one of his arms along the back of the sofa, the other on his knee which he tapped in time to music. I couldn’t help but smile at how angelic he looked; the lights highlighting every detail in his face, from his high cheekbones to his perfectly shaped lips, it was enough to melt my heart.

I felt a slight push on the door behind me and I quickly moved away and tried to act natural as watched the back of a tall blonde waiter walk out, straight to Benedict and gave him a drink. The waiter then walked away loosening his tie and taking his gloves off as he walked. He turned his head slightly and I thought I recognised him but it was too dark to tell.

Benedict’s POV

“Theresa?” I called over to her. She turned her head to me, smiling. I let out a little sigh, smiling, as she walked over. She was so beautiful. She sat down next to me, nestling her head against me chest. I couldn’t help but beam like an idiot and Mark gave me a knowing smile before nodding and walking away.

I kissed the top of her head, enjoying the way her hair smelt like strawberries. “What were you and mark talking about?” She asked placing a hand on my chest, her fingers trailing over my collar bones then following the stripes of my suit. I had to concentrate hard to remember the question she had asked me.

“Just talking about some ideas for season 5, he’s going away soon so wanted to get my thoughts before he went” I took a sip of my drink and pulled it away coughing. The waiter must have got me the wrong drink. She turned to look at me, concern in her big hazel eyes, her long eyelashes emphasised by the lights. Wow. My usual self control was slipping under the influence of a few glasses of scotch.

Luckily a David Bowie song started to play and both she and I looked at each other our eyes wide, excitement brewing. She grabbed my hand and I downed the remainder of the drink leaving the glass on a table as we walked to the dance floor.

“All night, She wants the young American” She sung sweetly to the song as she moved in time to the music, holding my hand. “I hope you’re… you’re not trying to tell… tell me something” I said my head suddenly feeling heavy. I blinked slowly a few times, my head falling back slightly. She laughed and continued dancing. I couldn’t help laughing as I twirled her around, her dress flying up, revealing her long toned legs. She stopped looking a little dizzy and then started cracking up at my dance moves. “What?” I called laughing as I continued clicking and swaying.

Suddenly a wave of nausea came over me and I took a step back, clapping a hand over my mouth. She stopped dancing, all traces of a laugh vanished of her face. I called that I was going to the bathroom and she nodded watching me carefully. I tried walking straight but I ended up crashing into a few people. Apologising over and over again to the spinning people around me I continued staggering to the bathroom. All the music now sounded distorted and eerily slow.

I grabbed the sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I tried to focus on just one of the many Benedict’s swimming in my vision. My palms felt clammy and cold and I could feel a cold sweat dripping down my back. What was going on?

In the mirror I watched as a figure approached from behind me. And then I saw as a few splatters of blood landed on the mirror. Something warm was now oozing down my head, I tried raising a hand to it “What the-“ I said as I spun around, arms going wide and I tried to hold up the weight of my now pulsing head. My vision began to fade and I watched helplessly as the man pulled something from his pocket. My muscles no longer belonged to me, I couldn’t move, talk, I couldn’t see. My last thought was of Theresa as the weight of my head got the better of me and I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the sink as I went, and then everything went black.  

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