Chapter 61

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Cay had been working tirelessly to get everything ready for her famiglia's dinner when Marco walked in and gave her that look.

"Have you been in here doing this all by yourself?" He roughly admonished. Her shoulders slumped at his tone, so she turned to go back to the kitchen when he grabbed her wrist.

"Cay, I'm sorry. It's just I worry about you" he said.  She faced him, flashing him a tired smile.  "I know you worry about me, but I've had help and I promise that I haven't done it all by myself."

Marco kissed her on the head and said he was going to take a shower but before he left, she told him dinner would be ready in less than thirty.  He gave her a short nod as he exited the room.

Cay took one last look at the table, then instructed a few of the staff to make sure all the flatware was in place and then to come back to the kitchen to serve.

About fifteen minutes later, the men starting filing in, different groups conversing about their day as they prepared to set down to another family supper.

Julian wasn't feeling well, so the housekeeper agreed to take him a little food, to see if she could get him to eat, and told Cay she would give her a report later.

All the men were assembled, they were just waiting on their Don and as soon as he came into the room, the men silenced their talking while Marco signaled them to be seated.

"I'll be right back.  It seems we are short some bottles of red" she told Marco.  She headed to the short set of stairs that took her to the wine cellar.

Before she could get all the way down, she heard someone talking, low tones, as if they were trying not to be heard, so she stopped and stepped into a little crevice that would hide her and listened.

"DeLuca and his b*tch are still here.  I've pretty much got a routine down.  He leaves her and their kid here, while he goes to work and the sister attends college.  You hit her and the kid, it'll send him right over the edge."

Oh Jesus!  She has got to tell Marco!  Her famiglia is in danger and she had a sneaking suspicion that Whitford had infiltrated somehow and sent in a spy.

She slipped away and got back upstairs, went to the buffet drawer and took out a .22 that Andre had given her for protection.  No one knew it was there except those two.

She watched carefully as the figure from downstairs emerged, coming from the direction of the stairs.  She knew all of Marco's men, but didn't recognize him.

No one saw her stick the gun under her shrug as she maneuvered herself closer to the spy and when she had a clear shot, she pulled the gun out, aimed at his knee cap and fired.

Everyone heard the crack of the shot, turned and saw the man fall to the ground, clutching his knee, bleeding and cursing profusely.

Marco jumped and ran to Cay.  "Fanculo Cay!" He roared, taking the gun from her shaking, outstretched hand.

She pointed, her voice shaking as she started to speak.  "I was in the wine cellar, when I heard this stronzo talking to someone on his phone.

He's a spy.  I'm guessing Whitford sent him.  He talked about hurting Julian and I to get to you Marco.  He talked about hurting us!" She cried, her knees feeling weak.

Marco put his arms around her to lead her out, but before doing so, he instructed Dre, Vit and Umberto to escort the piece of sh*t to the cells and said he would deal with him later.

"Everyone else, sit, eat. My wife and I will be back in a moment" Marco told his men, motioning for Jules, who still had her mouth open, to come with.

Once they got to their bedroom Cay just kept mumbling that she'd shot someone. Her husband sat her down on the edge of their bed and had Jules get her a bottle of water from their fridge.

Cay's hands were shaking so bad, she couldn't hold on to the bottle, so Marco helped her.

"It's the adrenaline baby" he told her softly. She still hadn't looked at him yet but nodded. Taking a deep breath, she laid her head on folded arms that lay across her knees.

She felt Marco's strong touch as he massaged her back in little soothing circles, telling her it was okay, that she'd done the right thing.

"We need to get back out there and continue our dinner with the men" she said, standing up. "I don't want them to think their queen is weak."

Marco scoffed, standing next to her and kissing her neck. "There's no chance anyone would think you weak, Cay. Just the opposite actually. Come, do what you need to get yourself together and I'll wait for you."

Cay walked into the bathroom, flipped on the light and looked in the mirror. She washed her face and reapplied light makeup, took her hair down and fixed it, making it look neat. Satisfied, she turned out the light and went back to Marco.

He was facing away from her and had a pretty hefty drink in his hand. She knew he was seething and that man, when they'd rung every bit of information out of him they could, he would die tonight.

But Cay wouldn't lose any sleep over this man, because you don't threaten another man's family and live. They had certain codes they lived by, one being you don't touch another man's wife and children.

When they walked back into the room where everyone was eating, her arm in Marco's, they all stopped and stood in respect for their queen.

There was an unspoken admiration that they held for her, doing what she did took guts and being pregnant on top of that spoke volumes.

She was strong and exactly the kind of woman their Don needed by his side.  If her actions bothered her, she certainly didn't show it and she wouldn't.

"Please be seated" she said softly.  "Eat your food while it's hot."  You could hear the chairs moving all at once while the men did as their queen asked.

Marco leaned over to her and said "You showed great courage tonight and have further earned the respect of every man in this room.

I know you abhor violence, Cay but I also know what's important to you and that's us, your famiglia.  Ti amo, my queen" he said, kissing her hand.

The rest of the night remained calm, on the surface, but Cay knew the men were itching to get a piece of that man in the cells, but they also knew he belonged to Marco.

Marco would be absent, for a couple of days at least and when he returned, she would bring him back, like she always did, to her heart and their bed.

It was their way she thought with a little smile and God help her, she loved it.

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