Chapter 37

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Cay felt like a little girl on her birthday with the way Marco was treating her. She'd learned six shops ago that giving him the look when he wanted to buy her something, only made him want to do it more.

She made sure she returned the favor though. She bought him a beautiful gray cashmere scarf and a pair of lamb skin driving gloves. I mean seriously, how do you shop for someone who has everything?

Marco took her to see the sights and oh they were so grand!  They saw the Bronze Horseman statue, the Bronze Rabbit Escaping the Flood statue and the statue that was erected in honor of Catherine the Great, to name a few.

They loitered around the square and witnessed street artists, musicians and people reciting poetry, street vendors selling everything from flowers, to books, to handmade jewelry.  It was a whole new world and Marco, her husband, had opened it and exposed her to it.

The next shop he took her to was a jewelry store.  She groaned inwardly at the reality of him buying her more jewelry but she didn't say anything because he actually seemed truly happy doing it and he'd told her so many times that he knew she didn't want his money, which made him want to spend more on her.

She had already seen the look in his eye which meant he'd found something. "I would like to see that one" he said to the proprietor, pointing at a silver and diamond bracelet.

The woman laid a soft cloth on the glass counter, then with gloved hands, she placed the bracelet down gently, stepped away and placed her hands behind her back, giving them privacy to discuss the purchase.

"Oh Marco" Cay breathed when he laid it across her wrist. It was a gorgeous piece, no doubt, with the platinum setting, it was covered in diamonds, it was a real thing of beauty.

"I want this for you" he murmured, trying to gauge her reaction. She sighed, knowing that gave him the answer he wanted. "I just don't know if I will ever get used to you spoiling me and Julian the way you do" she was honest in her words, somehow still wanting him to understand that she just wanted him.

  "I just don't know if I will ever get used to you spoiling me and Julian the way you do" she was honest in her words, somehow still wanting him to understand that she just wanted him

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He smiled, pushed the jewelry back to the sales woman and said "I'll take this one and I would like this one as well." He pointed to a smaller version and explained that it was for Jules.

He'd bought several things for the rest of their family as well, spoiling them as he did her and apparently loving every minute of it.

Julian would get several toys carved from wood, including a Russian sword, Jules got the bracelet, several scarfs and a hat and Nono got a kit that had handmade lures, guaranteed to catch anything and everything.

Once the purchase was made and they stepped outside, Marco looked at the sky and said "One more store and we need to head back. I want to be inside when this hits. We can have lunch in the restaurant and spend the rest of the day and evening in our room."

Hmm, that sounded amazing as far as Cay was concerned, taking Marco's hand they headed into La Perla, a fancy lingerie store with exuberant prices but sexy pieces for sure.

"Pick out a bra and panty set" her husband whispered. "You will be my private model tonight. I want to see your luscious body encased in lace and silk."

She felt her thighs clinch at his words and if she knew anything about him, it was he always meant everything he said and more.

"Sounds exciting" she said back to him, her eyes hooded with the same desire as his and giving him a lingering kiss on his cheek, she turned to start looking for the perfect set.

After much help from the friendly sales clerk and thirty minutes of describing her personality, the woman led Cay to the perfect set. It was gorgeous!

The bra had extra padding and was the push-up style and between that and her being pregnant, her breasts would be the stars of their intimate show this evening.

Its color was a beautiful almost navy blue, made of the softest satin and lace and Cay had no doubt she could make it look beautiful. The panties were a cross between a bikini and hipster, same color and solid lace with a sexy little bow in front.

  The panties were a cross between a bikini and hipster, same color and solid lace with a sexy little bow in front

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"This is perfect" Cay said as she followed the woman to the register. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched Marco texting away on his phone, family business no doubt, but she couldn't be angry with him, it was what he did and his work didn't stop because of their honeymoon.

She felt him come up and stand behind her as the clerk handed her the bag. "Spasibo" she said, which is thank you in Russian. Cay smiled at the woman, took Marco's hand and they left, stepped into the waiting car and headed back to their hotel.

Sighing, Cay laid her head on her husband's shoulder, inhaling his wonderful scent, the one that would identify him to her always.

"Thank you for today" she said, craning her neck upwards. Marco said nothing, but instead his beautiful orbs spoke for him as his eyes roamed over her lovely face.

Cay wanted him to kiss her, badly, and without saying a word, his lips closed in on hers, pressing against them in the most tender and loving way. "You're welcome" he answered with a husky voice.

Arriving at the hotel, Marco asked Vit to take their purchases to the room while they stepped into the restaurant for a bite of lunch.

"I want to try the blinis" Cay said excitedly. "With strawberries and cream. Oh also some of those knish (these are a thin pastry with ground beef, mashed potatoes, cheese and onions inside)."

Marco smirked at her appetite, thankful that she had a hearty one. "I'll take the same but I want to add the khinkali as well (dumpling filled with ground beef and cilantro)."

"Our child must have you hungry today, Mrs. DeLuca" Marco joked as Cay blushed. "Well I am eating for two now" she added a little defensively.

Leaning forward and putting his hand on hers. Marco said quietly "I love my girl with a healthy appetite." Cay blushed even more, knowing that he was referring to her in bed, but she loved hearing his words.

They took their time, enjoying lunch, each other's company and flirting with each other. Since their reunion, Cay never forgot to thank God for bringing them back together.

And although she would never verbalize it, yet anyway, he was the light in a world full of darkness, her compass when she felt lost, the shoulder she would turn to in a time of need and the heart that she would love forever. He was the boss of her body, heart, mind and soul and all this she gave willingly.

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