Chapter 22.

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My dad made it into the hospital eventually. He didn't want to be in Cam's room right now because it was to stressful so he said he was just going to take a walk. I didn't blame him. Seeing my brother like this? It's just to painful.

"I'm going on a walk around the hospital. I'll be back soon I guess." I said quietly to Matt.

While I was walking, I said a little prayer.

God, please let Cam be okay. Please heal his body. I hope that he wakes up out of his coma soon. Please protect him and my family through this tough time.

I continued to walk until I found myself back at Cam's room. I guess I walked in a circle. I walked back inside and put my head in my hands. This is all my fault. Yes ALL. I guess Matt could sense I was feeling uneasy.

"He will be fine Justice. He's a trooper." Matt said.

I rolled my eyes. "If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here right now. We would all be at my house hanging out. But no I always have to ruin everything right? Why couldn't I have just woken up and responded to that text?!" I started crying.

Matt came over and grabbed the palms of my hands in his.

"Please, don't blame this on yourself. It was a freak accident. No one could stop it. Cam is going to make it. He's a fighter and I know that for a fact. He will pull through." He said with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm scared Matt. I can't lose anymore family. I've already lost my mom, well Cam and I both did. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that my brother died because I didn't respond to his text." I said.

He put his forehead on mine.

"He will pull through. I know he will." He said.

After a couple hours, I fell asleep. I couldn't cry anymore tears. I woke up at around 5:30 pm. Everyone in the room was gone so I had assumed they were eating. I went up to cam and held his hand. It was ice cold.

"Cam, I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you so much. I know I shouldn't be blaming myself for this, but if I would have answered your text, then you would be fine. You wouldn't have all these tubes and machines hooked up to you. This is all my fault. But you have to pull through. I know you can. You're a trooper like Matt was saying. I know you can do this kid. Please just wake up." I kissed his cheek.

Then his heart rate monitor started to go off like crazy. What did I just do? I ran out and called the nurses in.

The wheeled him out of the room.

I stopped one of them. "What's going on? Where are you taking him?" I panicked.

"We don't know what happened yet. But your brother is in critical condition. I'm not sure if he'll make it. I'm just letting you know." She ran off to Cam and the other nurses. I just stood there crying. I can't loose my brother. Not now. Not like this.

To Infinity and Beyond: A Matthew Espinosa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now