Chapter 19.

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*Im going to fast forward it to the last meet and greet*

Today is the last meet and greet. Which means the last day with everyone. Including Matt and Cam.

I told my dad about Cam and Matt. I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't live without both of them for 2 months.

My dad said that we could move out to where Cam and Matt lived so that way I wouldn't be deprived. He just wants me to finish up my year in Cali until Christmas break.

We all got ready and went downstairs for our last meet and greet. I hate that word. Last.

We did our same routine. Talk, take pictures, sign autographs, and interact with the fans. Even though it was the same routine, it never got old because we got to see new fans each time.

After we got done, we all had to go to get packed since we were leaving later that night.

I was chilling in my hotel room thinking about these past months. I made friends, I found a boyfriend, I found my twin, I met some pretty crazy fans. And I wouldn't want to trade that for the world.

Matt came and sat by me.

"I'm going to miss you. I can't wait for 2 months." Matt said holding my hand.

"I know. But they will be over before you know it." I said tracing his jaw line with my fingers.

He kissed me and I kissed him back. I'm going to miss those lips.

"It'll only be for 2 months. Then when you come back, I can kiss you anytime I want." He said smirking.

"Okay pretty boy." I said hitting him playfully. "I'm going to go find Cam." I said.

I eventually found him on the balcony in his room.

"Hey bro." I said quietly.

"Hey sis." He said quietly. He turned around to face me.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I know I'm going to miss you to. But it's only for 2 months. It'll go by quick." He said.

"2 months is way to long." I said laughing and crying.

"But the wait will be worth it. We can FaceTime, text, and call anytime you want." He said smiling.

"These 2 months are going to be tough cam." I said.

"If I can do it you can do it." He said giving me a hug.

"I'm going to finish packing. We leave in an hour." I said.

I walked into my room and finished packing. Wow did that hour go by fast because next thing I know, I was saying good bye to everyone.

"Two more months babe. And then I'll be able to see you again." We kissed for about 1.

"I'll miss you and your lips. I love you so much Matt." I said.

"I do too. I'll call you when I get home. I love you Justice. See you soon." Said Matt and he walked away.

"I'll see you soon bro. I love you." I said giving Cameron a hug."

"I love you more sis. I'll also call you when I get home." He gave me a kiss on my head and walked away to get on his plane.

I said goodbye to everyone else and headed towards my plane. This is going to be a tough 2 months. But it'll be worth the wait like Cameron said.

To Infinity and Beyond: A Matthew Espinosa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now