15th, 16th, 17th and 18th of December

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Christmas is in just a few days. Specifically 6 days! And for those who suck at maths... not that anyone would or should be reading this but still, that's one day less than a week to go! The party preparations are all set and ready to go and all that's left is for the day to come roll around.

Now that the Christmas chat is out of the way, I have some things i need to clear and get off of my chest... I've been in need of talking...or writing about this for a few days and I think now is a good time to mention it.

So remember how I have been having these weird thoughts on weather I have a crush on Hiro or not?

I think I have finally made up my mind. 

The answer wasn't easy to come to and I know i'm stalling and blubbering about useless stuff right now but that's what I do when I'm nervous... Even if i shouldn't be nervous since I'm only writing this in a journal and not telling someone in person.

Okay now i'm getting off track... I do it WAY to much.

I do like him.

I'm just worried...For all the stuff i did this year. I mean, it all sounds so fake and I just don't know if what happened this year was a dream or something... what if this entire year turns out to be a dream and Hiro and the others are just some fictional characters i became overly obsessed with?!

No...that's not true, even if it feels that way, it can't be! Mainly because I can feel pain and i can touch things unlike a dream would allow me.

And if this is all some weird thing that has happened to be a dream... i want to make the most of it.

I plan on confessing on christmas... i explained everything with Honey Lemon and she agreed to  help... although helping to Honey Lemon will probably involve some mistletoe or something...not that i am complaining or anything!

I mean, that would just make christmas even better!

Anyways, i think that's enough writing for today! I'll see you in another entry... Which will be soon I think...

- (Y/n) Out

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