25th of March

173 13 17

Well. Hiro is missing somewhere on the street at NIGHT.

It's a catastrophe!!!

I blame this ALL on Savannah! Ugh! I mean sure she's prettier than me and shit- a lot skinnier but come ON!


RIGHT! I'll explain what happened... It's just... UGH! The gang told me to sit here in Fred's mansion and wait- ALONE! With HER AND JOSH!!!


Anyways I'll explain!

Today is good Friday- ya know... Easter Day thing... Religious? Easter?

I dunno!

All I care is that NO SCHOOL TILL TUESDAY!

Because we have another public holiday on Monday? I think that's Easter....

But the gang wanted to do a "Easter weekend showdown" so we are just gonna be having a giant sleep over.

So Hiro's mystery crush is gonna be at this sleepover to!

I bet they are super cute ya know?!

So we all decided to celebrate at Fred's place- it's a mansion so why not?!

Hiro arrived with ought his crush for some reason... It was really weird but no one was really paying attention.

We were all to busy laughing at Fred who was in a giant egg suit...

Tadashi then started to pester Hiro about the lucky girl.

Hiro said he met her a while ago but wasn't sure if he liked her until recently.

We wanted to know where he met her but apparently it would have been to obvious as to who it was...

Apparently obvious to everyone but me.

Not that it bothered me.

So we all waited excitedly until the time his girl was meant to be here had passed.

By then we were all confused and Hiro just kept insisting she was late.

Tadashi spiced up the evening- yeah- EVENING- by now she was four hours late!

Tadashi spiced up the evening though by confessing his crush was a girl at his school. She was apparently his age and he asked her over to the Easter party tomorrow.

Honey Lemon immediately started to jump up and down all excited like as soon as she whispered into his ear.

Apparently she guessed thelucky girls name on the first try, claiming "It was easier than a pop test." At first I thought I heard incorrectly and she had said "pop tart" but Fred also misheard her to.

So Honey Lemon began showing us what a pop test was and how a match could create a popping sound if placed in a tube full of hydrogen.

Then she started showing us how a tube full of oxygen re lit it...

Science just got crazy!

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