8th of January

258 20 15

Okay if my parents didn't want to kill me before, I'm sure they do now.

Let's take a rewind to this morning okay?


So, like i predicted, I got my phone back yadda yadda.

I went to school, which is a high school by the way, and was immediately hated upon everyone.

Lucky me, the whole grade gathered round to meet me like some sort of ritual thing.

So a teacher called Ms Pladley introduced me to everyone and asked me the same boring questions anyone would ask.

"What's your name?"

"What's your age?"

"Where did you use to live?"

"Favourite colour?"

"Any pets?"

"Anyone you miss?"

"Old school?"

"Best friend?"

So naturally, I answer them.

"(y/n) (l/n)"


" (hometown)"


" (yes/no)"


"(Your school)"

"Uh... No one."

And for some reason, people snickered at my answers. It was almost as if I was a boring person, which is kind of true but you know...

So the teacher was all like. "No friends? I'm sure you will make some here!"

And I was all like. "Na I'm good being alone."

And she was all, "come on, any one at all? Acquaintances? Family friend? No one?"

And that's when Hiro's name hit me. So, to stop the pestering I gave in and told the whole grade I was friends with Hiro.

The reactions were not expected. Teachers were looking at me puzzled and students, mainly girls- were squealing and the guys were all looking impressed like I won an Olympic medal or something.

Suddenly I was the centre of attention. 

"You mean Hiro Hamada?" A teacher asked me.

By now I was confused- one minute I'm a boring spot of paint drying and the next I'm some alien.

"If you mean the guy with the messy hair-" girls squealed loudly. " amazing brother, awesome aunt who owns an amazing cafe and sleeps so heavy pouring water on his pants doesn't wake him up and weighs metric tons.... Yeah that's him."

And behold the awkward silent.

"I believe so, so, how's Mr Hamada?"

And then I was creeped out...  At least I know why I'm popular all of a sudden.

"Um he's good... Yeah.."  It was so weird!

"That's good, he was a famous student here- graduating last year..."  Ms Pladley started rambling on about him and I swear the whole grade was some sort of big Hiro Hamda fan club. What did they see in that boy?

His intelligence I assume but seriously- that's it? What about the stuff he does or how he acts?! So the recess bell rang and we were all dismissed.

Once outside, at least fifty girls started to question me about him until five or so girls walked into the area.

Surprisingly, students walked away as if they feared them or they praised them. Apparently they were the pops, you know, popular kids?

Two little blondes with blue eyes- twins, their names were Milly and Molly...

There was a red haired girl with green eyes called Lilly and a black haired, blue eyed girl called Charlotte

And finally Eedee... Weird way to spell it but she had mint green hair and red eyes- contacts I believe.

Anyway they were like in my face quizzing me about- yep! You guess it!- HIRO!

So our little friends all had a crush on him. It was sick... Like gross. They wanted to make out and stuff with him... Ew..

So I pretended to ignore them by pulling out my phone and finding some app to play on.

Suddenly it was stolen from me- no kidding- the twins took it from me and began going through my PHOTOs to find some photo of Hiro.

I declined I had any because I didn't but they began squealing when they actually found one!

I looked at the photo and saw the stupid idiot had taken a SELFIE while bot fighting! How didn't I see that?!

They started taking photos of my phone with their phone because apparently it was a "rare sight".

So I took my phone back and tried so desperately to ignore them. In the end I lost it and asked why they didn't introduce themselves to him.

But it was their answer that shocked me because they claimed that after graduating, NO ONE saw him, he was gone from existence.

That was probably why everyone was surprised I met him- lucky chance huh?

But in the end, do I care? No. Am I still angry at him? Now that I know the pops - popular kids - don't have something I do- friendship- yeah I'm not that pissed anymore.

What made the day even better was that when I walked out the school gate, a crowd surrounded the entrance.

Curious, I walked in and saw Hiro, we made eye contact and everyone froze as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd.

So he offered to walk me home which was nice of him... So I invited him inside my home and we hung out a bit.

Right when he was about to go, guess who came home and caught us? Yep! My parents.

They told Hiro to leave nicely and then world war 4- the third one happened in the car after prison remember?- had begun.

Now I had no desert for four months. Oh well.

But my parents are still mad which leaves me up to now, cowering into a corner of my room with my journal- such a brave person, I know.

So right now as I write this, my revenge plan just re appeared! I still need to call Tadashi about my idea of putting GPS devices into Hiro's clothes!

I think I'll do that tomorrow because Tadashi would be working on Baymax by now up until tomorrow morning knowing him.

I guess I'll see you then journal!

-(y/n) out

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