19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd of January

229 14 7

Five days.

Five days I haven't updated!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!- I could go on!

Well, I'm back in San Fransokyo... The holiday was actually pretty fun!

Although, you are probably wondering why I haven't been writing in this.

It's not really that exciting to be honest- it's actually pretty stupid.

I have an ear infection- yeah I know... Why is all this bad stuff happening to me? I mean, the first time it was my mouth which got cut and now my ear?

I'm falling apart I swear...

Well if you're curious as to HOW I got the infection- I doubt your curious because it wasn't even exciting- I went swimming and I got an infection over the holiday- BOOM!

So that's how...

My mum took me to the docs office and you will never believe his name- Dr Doctor...

I think he just choose to be a doctor on purpose, either that or my brain was messing with me badly.

Anywho- dr doctor checked my nose, throat and ear before giving me a prescription.

And just so you know- I've officially PASSED the age for liquid medication... So when I saw the PILLS I had to take... I swear I cried in the drug store.

So my mum got all upset how I wouldn't eat the dang pill... I was screaming so much that both my parents gave up and called for some assistance.

And it was the Hamada family of course!

Because apparently a week together made them bbfs!

So all three of them appeared along with Baymax and attempted to get me to swallow the pill.

I have no idea why but I was SCARED. Especially when Hiro suggested to tie me down and force it down my throat like a dog.

Baymax offered to knock me out with a drug so I just felt even more scared.

So finally Tadashi used common sense and asked why I was freaking out like hell.

So I told him the pill was huge... Apparently showing me an even bigger pill was supposed to trick me into thinking the pill I already had was small...

But that freaked me out more... Like seriously. Aunt Cass suggested to just put it in water and gulp really fast... Which failed also.

So it was HIRO who came up with the solution.

He practically grabbed all the ice cream we had and broke the pill open in half. After he sprinkled it into the ice cream and shoved it in my mouth.

So I ate the ice cream- eating the medication as well... Just as baymax offered to give me a vaccine instead.

You know... With a needle?


So Hiro started to explain that the capsule was a meltable thing and all I needed was the powder which had to be taken orally...

I don't know if I should praise Hiro or hit him over the head with the broomstick for forcing me to eat medicine...

Meh I guess I can do both!

I mean... It would be worthwhile AND pretty funny...

Oh and on a completely irrelevant topic- Hiro went bot fighting and was caught by Tadashi and I.

Yeah we both have the gps app on our phones and saw when Hiro left his house. Tadashi stopped him from going four times... Boy that kid is stubborn...

So Hiro questioned how Tadashi knew when he left and began to hypothesise how he did it... He didn't really get it in the end anyways.

I honestly want to know how long it will take him to find out we put bugs on his clothes AND find them all AND take them off...

That would be worth while to see...

Anyways, I better rest up for my throat... Ear infection... SAME THING!

See you in the next entry... Which will hopefully be tomorrow...

-(y/n) out

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