15th, 16th, 17th, 18th,19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of June

148 17 0

Everything is so fricken weird.

Krei tech blows up, the gang is no where to be seen for the past month or whatever...

I finally have my answers.

And guess what- you aren't gonna believe this.


And I don't know whether to be relieved or hurt...

The gang you see have left me behind.

This past month, they spent with ought me purposefully in the most  brutal way ever.

They are superheroes.



I need to go buy metal shoes and kick each of them in the face because you DO NOT hide secrets like this!

What were they thinking!

They could have been killed and stuff!

Turns out they have been "meaning to tell me but not sure how" pfft yeah right.


They obviously don't trust me to join them.

I wonder why...

Maybe they don't see me as part of their group!?

Yeah... I'm not smart... Or nerdy or in any way able to offer advice...

Perhaps they deem me "not worthy".


That hurts...

Like real bad.

I feel miserable...

What ever the circumstances are...

I'm not going back.
They aren't real friends and not even for a SECOND will I think about regretting my choices.

That wasn't okay.

I think I might be taking this to far today though, I purposefully damaged Baymax's charger so Hiro and the gang could go off and save the day like their stupid superhero butts where meant to.

They almost didn't stop the mass robbery of five thousand moody teenager's wallets and belonging...

But it doesn't matter.

I hate them.

I LOATH them...

And if there is anything I must say that I'd probably regret later is this;

Hiro Hamada, you made your move and now I make mine... It's game over.

-(y/n) out

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