27th and 28th of Februaury

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Okay so you know how i thought i could show all those mean girls my new jet pack? That turned out to be a bad idea.

Hiro had also agreed to use the jet packs as hey! it would make a quick get away...only issue is that now every girl in that place hates me even more and they all want a jet pack. I honestly found it amusing when Hiro yelled no and told them to all bugger off...i don't know why but they deserved it anyways.

So Hiro and i flew home when Tadashi asked if we solved the issue about the emergency back up plan. I don't think he liked the parachute idea but honestly that is the best anyone can do at the moment.

So this afternoon i decided to hang around the cafe for a while- my parents were out at a friends place for a birthday, probably gonna get drunk or something, yeah i shouldn't say these things but you can't lie about the truth!

Besides the point, Hiro basically returned to his microbots. He was creating them all by hand which kinda sucked because by the 4000th microbot, i could tell her was getting bored with his job.

That's where i swooped in and saved him a million years! i suggested for him to create a robot that was programmed to mass produce them...Hiro surprised me by saying he never thought about it... that's a first...

So Hiro instead now is spending most of his time to develop that machine... He still has plenty of time of course and with that giant head of his that may or may not contain a brain, he should be able to get it done in time.

The next problem which wasn't so easy to fix was his many fan girls. You see, they all heard about him trying to get into SFIT because the school had to send a letter of recommendation....thus led to the principal congratulating Hiro and wishing him the best luck "Where ever he may be".

Honestly i reckon that was a bad idea to say over the intercom during homeroom but who am i to judge... i guess it just means more people to worry about.

I told Hiro about this and he was actually really upset because he wanted the night to be with just him, his family and close friends. So naturally, Aunt Cass reported this issue to the person in charge of the student showcase.

After their little talk, it was decided that the students who will enter the showcase must give permission for a person to enter. They were to write down the names upon arrival and hand them a v.i.p card. So i don't think all those girls will be very happy about that... not that i really care but any who...

That show case can't come any sooner to be honest...and i think Hiro will ace it.... 110%.

-(y/n) out

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