31st of May

151 13 1

Another month has come to a end.

Gee, it's been quite a ride, almost half way through the year!

It's almost been half a year since I met the gang, well to this journal probably not as long since I could just read this all in one go but what a thrill ride it's been!

So today Honey Lemon had some pretty exciting news, she said that her grandfather owned a ski lodge, don't ask how but I was surprised to.

So anyways we were invited to come over and learn to ski! Well for my case learn cause I've never been.

I think Tadashi and Hiro were eager to go to because as soon as we were told, they literally raced upstairs, because we were in the cafe, and pulled their suitcases along with Baymax's pod down.

Apparently what I DIDN'T know, after knowing Honey Lemon for so long is that when she invites us to do stuff, she means the instant she says it, we go.

Wasabi told me it's a good excuse to be prepared, explaining that Honey Lemon's surprise events were nothing new...

Even Fred had five different suitcases for five different kinds of events Honey Lemon could have planned!

So we are going skiing tomorrow morning, because I wasn't prepared.

So as you can tell I might not write in here as much while out in the snow- it's my first time!

I'll bring this journal in case I get bored however... Did you know I'm learning to write with my other hand?

At one point I was ambidextrous but I lost the talent so I decided to get back into the swing of things!

I guess I could also use my journal to practise writing to!

I better get packing now, Honey Lemon gave us a list to double check we have everything and it's about 3 pages long!

See you soon Journal!

- (y/n) out!

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