24th, 25,th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of January

211 18 14

Wow. A whole entire week and one day of not writing in here... That's got to be a new record!

Well it is...

Besides the point. February is coming up and we all know what that means!

No... Not an average month... I want to face palm so badly but I fear I'll kill my brain cells...

Okay off topic!! February is the month for VALENTINE'S DAY... Yeah I'm not to good with this because every year, my mother forces me to write a note of gratitude which always ends up being more of a love confession to a boy I hang out with.

Don't ask me how it becomes a love confession- my mother tells me how to improve the stupid card and change words around... I could puke...

It's also PDA, my strong disliking for public display of affection.

Don't get me wrong, that stuff can be cute and nice but with me? It can get seriously awkward sometimes, it really depends on the situation.

Anyways my mother wants me to practise writing a gratitude card... the problem is WHO I'm gonna give it to.

There are tons of guys I am near. At school, at the cafe, the gang... Yeah quite a lot of choices.

My mother said she would figure all the details out and just write from the bottom of my heart that I am grateful to have a friend like them.

I swear my mother is match making people with me until I get a boyfriend- never gonna happen!

I'll be a single pringle FORREEEVVVAAAAAAA!!!!

Anyway as I'm gonna get off the topic of  Valentine's Day... The reason why I was away for eight Days seems to be a good place to talk about...

Okay so as you know, I got sick... Turns out I got a fever and this particular fever didn't like me so it tried to kill me- not literally.

So I was asleep for along time- Hiro thought I died apparently so Tadashi had to tie him down to a chair. I would have loved to see that.

So I got better and now I'm here! Although I tend to mind wander quite often..

I could give an example but I'm scared to do so because If I do, my mind will wander...

And if my mind wanders I probably won't be able to snap out of the trance like state if you know what I mean.

I don't actually want to be stuck in a trance like state because I'd probably miss dinner or something and then miss the next few meals because my mind wanders very far.

Eventually it will get to a point where I'll die from hunger and then my corpse will stink up my room.

My parents will find me and cry because it's sad when your daughter is dead on the floor.

And when they lose someone sad, they get depressed, not to mention the gang getting sad.

Then they won't be happy and their friends will get the same vibe because apparently your emotions rub off your friends

Then they will spread the sadness around until everyone in the world will be sad and no one will have a clue why.

So if everyone is sad, some people won't want to work and therefor jobs would be incomplete, farmers would be to depressed to gather food and their crops will over grow and die.

If that happens then everyone is out of food - because everyone is to sad to make their own.

So everyone will die of starvation and that kills the human population in one simple blow.

So the other animals will eat our nutrition less bodies and die from food poisoning. Plants would take over the world but since bees don't exist anymore, they can't pollinate then.

So with out pollination, plants dry up and everything becomes hazardous to fire.

By now, all the dead bodies would have given enough Caron Dioxide that there is no more protective layers so earth would fry.

Then it would explode from the intense heat and its pieces would crush other planets that would mix up the entire solar system and hit the sun.

Then the sun would explode and our galaxy won't exist anymore. So once our galaxy dies, other galaxies will get affected by the commotion and the whole balance of the universe will fall and everything will be wiped out from existence.

The end...

Wait The end?! Oh...

I just mind wandered...

Yeah for some reason death is always the end... It's pretty sad if you think about it.

And I guess my mind wandering didn't kill me so I'm good... Whew! A whole lot of worrying going to waste!

Now excuse me while I go take a breather from all this..

- (y/n) out

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