26th, 27th and 28th of December

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Not to long till the end of the year now! I can't believe how far we've come!

One whole year filled with tragedy and shit- can't wait to welcome the next with warm arms!

Hiro took me on a date today! It wasn't anything TOO extraordinary, I did say casual was fine so we retreated to the living room and played video games the entire afternoon.

Talk about romantic.

For new years eve we have decided to just hang at the cafe with everyone and watch the fireworks on the television screen.

Baymax even offered to fly us around the city but then decided it would be to dangerous since there's loads of smog and fire and stuff.

Talk about a party pooper.

Either way, while this year has been a hell of a year, things are definitely starting to turn around.

Im not going to write here tomorrow mainly because I'm spending the day with Zoe but on the 30th I will be... after that it's the final entry before I close this chapter!

I have no idea what I'll do with this book, maybe burn it or throw it into a corner of my room and never find it again... either way, I'm definitely not writing in another- I'm to lazy and the commitment is really annoying...

So uh, see ya later!

- (y/n) out

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