4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th of October

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Halloween is getting closer and closer and the pressure for this master plan of mine is finally coming together.

Hiro has been nagging me constantly to talk to him and explain why I ignored him before leaving San Fransokyo but I just pretend he isn't there.

It can get hard at times and Baymax occasionally activated due to Hiro being annoying.

Do I get through it? For the sake of not being caught- yeah I kinda do.

I've finalised my Halloween trick or treat for Hiro and all that's left is to ask if he wants to join me for trick or treating.

Only issue is that I have been ignoring home for ten days which means that it will be incredibly suspicious if I randomly ask if he wants to hang out on Halloween.

I guess the rest of the time before Halloween will have to be spent slowly gaining the friendship back- all for it to be thrown away again later.

That sounds way worse than it is but I'm sure if you were in my shoes you'd do the same.

Anyways- it's late and I have to sleep before Hiro notices I'm writing in here and decides to take a peek.

-(y/n) out!

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