1st and 2nd of July

142 15 12

The best thing about today is that it's Saturday.... Meaning everyone is at home and easy to strike.

Yesterday the girls and I, names are not to be mentioned, designed some weapons using similar technology from Hiro's microbots.

The stupid fool.

He shouldn't have let me see them- or have them lying around on his desktop in general.

So blueprints were easy to print and now we are mass producing them- as well as recreating the armour the Big Hero 6 have.

Hiro left those blueprints in his 3D computer.

The four of us are in need of two recruit members however, then we will reign over them as Big Evil 6...

We will be unstoppable because not only will we have the same powers as the stupid heroes but we also have microbots. An advantage point...

This is a battle to hard to lose.

Because right now, I feel like a queen- I'm winning and those idiots have no idea what's coming.

- (y/n)

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