1st, 2nd and 3rd of October

110 13 6

It's October. The month of Halloween. The months where you spend it dieting and cutting crap out of your meals so that you become really skinny.

And then put all that weight back on after trick or treating in the crappiest last minute costume because you kept saying "eh i'll do it later" and saying " this is last candy" fifty million times while watching some clitche horror film about some random psycho maniac that's managed to kill half the town without anyone knowing.

And then there is me. A random person who's traveled half way across the world because she herself became a psycho killer and killed her friends who betrayed her with a life changing secret and then turned good and followed the clitche moves like she said she wouldn't do.

Only did she find out that her new home knows all about her and don't take into consideration that she also saved her old home and possibly the world by stopping the villains once she became good again.

And then after leaving her betrayed friends that still managed to survive, one of them decided "well heck- I need to make things right." And jumps onto his robot friend and fly to her illegally and becoming an immigrant that could possibly be chucked in prison or dumped on a random island.


It's been three days since I last wrote in here but Hiro hasn't left. Zoe doesn't know still and I reckon she'd flip if she did... flip like a pancake or something- I dunno, I've never flipped a pancake before.

I've flipped a pizza- maybe a pizza then.

Either way- Zoe would be mad. Hiro reckons I should tell her now while it's not a problem. Then and again I'm talking to a guy who probably broke at least several laws and snuck into my bedroom and is currently hiding out in my sleeping bag under my bed.

What have I gotten myself into? I honestly don't know- I've tried telling him to go and I've tried kicking him out but he refuses.

And here is another problem which probably is already extremely obvious but I'll point it out anyway- he's here.

And if he's here, I can't forget my past actions and regrets and stuff. Which means I can't forget him. Ok that's probably the more obvious one since he's like... sleeping in a sleeping bag on a dusty floor directly under my bed which totally isn't creepy- what's creepy is sneaking food to him and requesting another toothbrush because I so happened to drop one down the toilet that the plumber never found because -ahem- it's which Hiro... who insisted I had the new toothbrush when I pointed out I'd prefer mine... I'm sure he took it for a shrine or something... totally not creepy at all.

But the thing is- I can't forget him so all those feelings I bottled up and threw away in some random rubbish dump? They are coming back and resurfacing - shouting in my ears till they bleed and I have to actually acknowledge them.

It's horrible. I need to create a plan to kick him out- and once he's out, I'll lock every window and door so he can't come back...

Perhaps this Halloween I can do some trick or treating... the trick being I run away from him and lose him on our journey and lock all entrances home as soon as I get there so he can't enter...

And the treat? I'll finally be Hiro-free!


It's perfect because no one will know he's an immigrant since he'll be in a costume! It's gonna be perfect!

I just need to do some careful planning...

-(y/n) out

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