8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th of May

154 18 1


You must think I'm dead or something cause I haven't updated for like 2 weeks!

Well I'm alive!!!

And well...

And bored...

And I completely forgot about this journal like woops... :/

I don't have many responsibilities but it's like I'm drowning in them...

Damn that sucks...


Where to begin?... Oh!! Let's do the bad news first huh?

Well... I'm no longer friends with Hiro!!!

Yup!!! You heard me!!!

That little brat can go die in a hole cause i ain't caring bout him no more!

Like if I could- i'd totally kick him in the balls but Aunt Cass would flip out and Tadashi would probably do some emergency CPR thing that revives unconscious males after being kicked in the privates...

Cause bro, I kick HARD.

But now that I re read all that- I realise it makes no sense what so ever.

So I better explain why I wanna corrupt his future children...

About a few days ago- I'm not gonna specify cause ya know, that's boring - I'm just gonna say it happened while I was a lazy butt and didn't write in here.

So basically, it was night right, and I was about to go to sleep in my nice cosy bed when my window opens.

It isn't an easy to open by the wind window mind you. This thing had heavy locks and a hatch thingo.

Bottom line is, it opened.

I'm not going to into detail so deal with it.

So at first I thought it was the boogey man cause hey- I've been playing that horror game lately and right until now my brain decided to kill me with nightmares...

Like why at night brain?! Why not... Like in a funny situation like when I'm pooping or in a math test?!

I just realised those situations are not funny- they are depressing- but my reaction to freaking out would make it so much better!!!

Back to the point! I was scared. Period. And something entered the window.

Turns out that it was fricken Fred. I almost screamed and killed his future children off - for some reason that's my go to plan- but he flashed a flash light on his face so I wouldn't freak out.

He told me he had heard some rumours about me sleeping with a dude.

CRAZY right?! So I asked him why it was so urgent he had to nearly kill me with a heart attack and he explained that some girls wanted photos.

Specifically those three popular girls that I can never remember the names of.

Fred obviously doesn't know these people otherwise he's a really creepy stalker and let's face it- this guy wants the power to transform into objects so he can get away with killing Justin Bieber by stabbing him then turning into a stuffed pony.... This guy isn't to smart

Well the killing Bieber is but the escape plan not so much...

Bottom line is, someone sent him for those photos. Obviously it wasn't the girls so someone who knew the girls asked him.

I think you can see where this is coming from.

Hiro is the only person who knows the girls AND Fred. They told him the stupid rumour about me sleeping with someone and instead of defending me, he set fricken Fred up to investigate!!!

All for a donut!!- I got it out of Fred.

So now I'm angry at Hiro.

Not only did he believe those idiots, he betrayed me, hurt my feelings, didn't back me up, got everyone into this, sent FRED for PHOTOS  AND spied on me instead of straight out asking!!!

Ugh, I hope this gets resolved soon but if not- Tadashi better learn that special CPR thing...

He's gonna need it...

- (y/n) out

Photo Albums (Hiro x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant