1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of December

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The lucky last month of the year!

I don't know if I'm gonna continue writing in this journal next year- I mean, I think I'm gonna have to get a new one!

Speaking of end of the year, it was a real struggle to get Christmas presents for Honey Lemon, Hiro, GoGo, Zoe and Aunt Cass... it was also hard not to cry because it's the first year without Fred and Wasabi, well I didn't know that well or long but the others did so guilt is a pretty big thing here.

Anyways, no crying in the festive spirit!

I got Honey Lemon a new make up kit, the one she has currently is great and all but I got her another one that I noticed her drooling at when we went to get our hair done the other day.

For Hiro, I invested in buying him some video games and robotic parts, it wasn't easy to find those parts, barely anyone has them apart from college students so Zoe had to help me with that one.

I got GoGo a pair of heelies. You know, the shoes that have singular wheels in the heel on the sole of the shoe?

I see kids zooming around all the time on them and it's just SO COOL!

I know it sounds obscure for GoGo but she told me she wasn't ever allowed to have them as a kid because they weren't formal so I thought I'd do something nice for her.

Mind you it was so hard to buy them since I went shopping with her but as she went to the bathroom, I ran off quickly to find them.

As for Aunt Cass, I couldn't really figure out what to get her so I bought her a new bottle of expensive perfume... women like that right?

Well Zoe's present was a little harder to find but I successfully picked out a new handbag for her since her old one has tones of holes in it.

Baymax is gonna get a scarf and Mochi is getting a cat toy- I don't think I mentioned them earlier so I figured I would now.

Anyways, I can't wait for Christmas! It's only 18 days away! I think...

I was never good with maths...

- (y/n) out

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