23rd and 24th of July

137 12 2

My head hurts.

I haven't seen the evil team since I went home with Hiro... The police questioned me and I just claimed to have run away.

I've been having this headache for two days now however. Mainly cause I'm stressed.

Hiro never once asked me about the reasons I killed wasabi and Fred or where my team were- no one but him knows.

I'm scared.

I'm scared that someone will find out- had Hiro ratted me out to the cops already?

Either way, I confronted him myself. He listened to me and actually told me I was okay...

I'm not alright or okay.

Could kill him right now and be on my way...

But I'm torn.

The very thing I didn't want to be.

Was this worth it?

Not only am I scared what will happen- I'm scared of me. I'm a murderer and what was done can't be forgiven.

Am I going insane?

Why am I with Hiro now? Why does he act casual... Isn't he terrified of me?

Or does he think that I wouldn't hurt him?

Is HE evil?

The news have confirmed Fred has been found dead... His body was found in the ocean.

The stupid Fujitas didn't hide it well enough. It was meant to be burned then the ashes were to be sprinkled everywhere.

Wasabi isn't gonna be found for hair reasons but the news have stated that detectives believe the same has happened.

There have been lock down procedures being practised since a murderer is active.

Everyone is so worried, walking in groups down the street... Passing me everyday...


The murderer.

The one they are after.

And now I can't go back...

I can only go forward.

The more I kill, the more it will be obvious of a pattern- easier for them to find me.

Hiro, GoGo, Honey Lemon and baymax are helping police find the murderer to.

I can't go bad- I need to lay low and act normal.

My team will eventually find me and break me out.

Has Hiro told Bh6 about me?

Either way, my team will rescue me...

That is, do I want to be rescued?

I'm not so sure...

How can my mind change so suddenly?

Why didn't I kill hiro?

Was I still attached to him?

To many questions and no answers...

My head hurts.

- (y/n) out

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