7th of February

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Okay- Valentine's Day is coming round the corner and my mom STILL wants me to give the stupid card! Honestly i don't wanna... it's kind of gross and wrong if you think about it. Well, in my eyes anyways... I don't even like anyone!

Moving on from that- Hiro's has been working pretty hard on his invention for the student showcase, he must seriously want to go there or something. Apparently it's on sometime in June or July, i'll have to ask to be sure.

School's going great! Those pesky girls - the main popular ones, haven't been at school! Only today did we all find out that they were skipping school to go to the mall or something... well they got in big trouble- obviously. 

Anyways, yeah... not mush is happening so i guess i better go... 

-(Y/n) Out!

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