4th of January

522 22 16

Okay let's take a little break from my life recount and get a little personal huh? No? Okay... I wasn't planning to either ya know... Just... Thinking about my next um... Entry...

Okay so today I was taken around SFIT! That's a good point! Actually the main point if you know what I mean...

So Tadashi came by my place to see if Zoe was here... Some reason, she gave her cousin's address and not her own but anywho...

Hiro was no where to be seen so out of natural curiosity, I asked him where he was.


Not only was I embarrassed by Tadahsi's reaction, he kept going on and on about it, thinking I was in love with hiro or something.

Like ugh!? Can you believe it?! I kept saying he got the wrong idea but he kept yelling "denial!!!" What ever that means.

So I took him to Zoe's house and the next thing you know, two 18 year olds are screaming "denial!!" And giggling and fan... Girling? Well I wouldn't say fan girling for Tadashi cause you know... He's a boy and everything but on the other hand he did act like a girl...

Enough of that, Tadashi offered a tour around SFIT so Zoe and I agreed.

Let me just say this but WOAH!!! That place was really cool! And even better, the place had the coolest toilets! Like they were those robot toilets that flush and wash and dry you and everything!

Like robot toilets?! Hell yas I'm in heaven!!!

I even got to see Baymax what I wanted to say was a marshmallow dispenser but was really a nurse bot in the making.

According to Zoe, a new type of hover car was under construction in the private labs but Tadashi wouldn't confirm anything... Party pooper.

And to believe HIRO didn't wanna go here!! I was purely shocked because they had like a vending machine devoted to candy!!!

And in the main lab I got to see the gang's projects! Yeah remember them? Honey Lemon, wasabi, GoGo and Fred? Well they GO here!

Well Fred doesn't... He's the school mascot but I swear he sits on that arm chair way more than spinning signs...

I could see a clear butt print in the cushion so try prove me wrong. But seriously, it was like the cushion melted and remoulded to his butt which would be pretty cool... To sit in the exact same spot for the rest of your life.

But wouldn't that also be bad? I mean, you would fart in the same spot!! Eww! And to test my theory, go ahead and sniff his seat!... Not saying I did but you get the point...

Tadashi and Zoe led me out of the institute and began to walk back to the cafe... We were gonna grab lunch.

On the way they asked if I wanted to go to SFIT. Now that's the thing... Most people would say yes and I'm tempted to as well but I find it cooler to see inventions and never wonder what they are worth in time and equipment.

Like, surely there are other options in the world?

I dunno... I'm still unsure about life... Not to mention scared! The way people sound like they are stressing with school and junk makes me terrified of what's in store...

I mean, I could ask the nerd herd... Yes that's their new name, I just made it up so no judging. Like I was saying, I could ask them but we are talking about a group of geniuses who barely struggled through primary school let alone hjghschool.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

Back to my recount!

We had lunch at the cafe and said hi to hiro... Well, I more of screamed than spoke... And I more of screamed "HOW COULD YOU HATE SFIT?! IT HAS ROBOT TOILETS!!" than said "hi"...

Either way hiro just shrugged and said he had better ideas in life... I had NO idea what he was talking about until I decided to investigate myself.

So I snuck away from Zoe and Tadashi and found Hiro tweaking some black robot with a yellow creepy smiley face.

Apparently it's name was Megabot and get this, it's for BOT FIGHTING. Yeah, you heard me- oh wait... You have no idea what that is huh?

To put it simply.



Okay... Let me try again but I apologise if I pass out... Here we go..

Botfighting are robots fighting together in an underground secret area with tons of people who bet illegally on which robot should win and which one should lose with police able to enter the facility at any given time of day and bust you and put the incident on your record and lock you in jail until your time is up or somebody busts you out or the bot fighters kill you from beating them because we all apparently live in a hate everyone world where no one forgives you even if you die and burn in whatever remains of hell there is...

I think I passed out...

Buuuuttt... That basically sums up bot fighting... Or better way to put it. Illegal activity.


This kid, Hiro Hamada... Funny last name- this kid... Commits to illegal activity.

And not just once! Oh no... EVERY NIGHT...

Oh bother...

So after he explains it all, he asks if I would like to go to a bot fight tomorrow night.

You would think he is insane for inviting me to something as dangerous as this, especially with people killing you just for WINNING... Sore losers in my opinion.

And I WOULD agree with you! I would... But I'm not gonna agree with you because I think the insane person here is me... Specifically because I AGREED to go...

Can someone tell me where I went wrong... No wait, hold up, I know where I went wrong, specifically the place where I said I WOULD go!

I guess we are just gonna have to see what a bot fight is like...

And wanna know what's worse? I'm forbidden to tell ANYONE where we are going... The plan is for me to tell my parents I'm gonna have a sleep over at one of my hundreds of cousin's house and hiro will lie to, then, we meet outside the park...

At night...

In the dark...

All ALONE...

See you if I don't die...

- (y/n) out

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