17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of March

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St Patrick's day was absolutely CRAZY.

I think the colour green is forever burned into my skull or something because damn that was hard core.

The whole gang exploded in the colour- Fred ended up painting himself green like he said he would.

Now I kinda get why Hiro didn't dress or anything...

So smart...

Then and again the gang would tease me because I kept looking at him.

Perhaps it's because he is the only thing NOT green? Excluding me of course but I have a green hair clip so...

Fred was really persistent in, drum roll please...

Hedge clipping.

And the ONLY reason we all ended up doing that for two hours is because- it's green.

So did Fred's chores.. How nice...

Hiro didn't want to do it so he sat and watched us, Honey Lemon wouldn't let me join him because she claimed that "everyone participating in the event must join in."

So Tadashi backed Hiro up by saying he wasn't part of the occasion and was merely there to entertain us.

And then the stupid jokes and puns came kicking in.

Hiro trying to "entertain" us which kinda almost made me throw the clippers into his head.



But baymax was soon activated and Hiro managed to sneak me away as everyone got distracted by the nurse bot.


Then and again, I was stuck with Hiro so technically not if you know what I mean.

So we went to the cafe and played video games for most of the day, killing anything that was green.

By the time it was 4:30, we had finally decided to take a break, packing up and walking downstairs to see the gang.

GoGo was the first to point out that we "don't have to run off because we are dating secretly."

We defended ourselves by claiming we were playing video games.

They didn't believe us until we showed them our game controls and hands and how they were both sweaty from use.

I swear Honey Lemon was gonna cry about apparently according to wasabi it was because there was no "(y/s/n)" moment to fangirl about.

No idea what (y/s/n) is but it has Hiro and i's name somewhere in the jumble of letters...

But anyways!

I guess that's all for today! See you later journal!!

- (y/n) out

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