Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

Andy's POV

I sat in the uncomfortable doctor's office chair as Jessica sat on the table, swinging her legs like a child. Every movement made the stiff paper underneath her crinkle.

"The waiting is the worst." I sighed, attempting to break the uncomfortable silence in the room.

"I'm pretty sure dying is the worst." She snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled, hanging my head. We've both been pretty on edge lately, so I wasn't upset. There was a knock on the door and a young, female doctor walked in.

"Jessica Biersack?"

"That's me."

"Hi, I'm Doctor Stevens." She smiled, tucking her folder under her arm and shaking Jessica's hand. "And who are you?" She asked, turning to me.

"Andy Biersack, I'm her husband." I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh, it's nice to have family here during these times." She smiled at us. She rolled her stool over and sat down, flipping through her folder. She confirmed all of the results and asked Jessica a few questions.

"Now, I'm just going to conduct a few extra tests so we can determine which treatment will be the most beneficial." She said and started explaining the tests. It was going to take about a week to receive the results so we were sent home for more waiting to see if she was healthy enough to undergo treatment.

*One Week Later*

We were back in the doctor's office, today we were going to finally figure out the treatment options available to us. We've only told our kids and we've specifically told them not to tell anyone except their spouses. We want to wait to tell more people until we have treatment options figured out.

"Hello Jessica, Andy, nice to see you guys again." She smiled.

"Well, I wish I could say the same, but seeing a cancer doctor isn't on my things to do for fun list." Jessica joked.

"Well, I got your test results back and it looks like you're cleared for radiation therapy and surgery. We will do a few rounds of radiation and then do surgery to remove as much of the tumor as you can. I am projecting a two year survival rate, without these treatments, you will not survive another six months. With every treatment, of course comes side effects. Radiation might cause fatigue, hair loss, skin changes, swelling, nausea, reduced libido and blood clots. You can make up your mind now or go home and think about it, but the longer we wait, the less time we have to fight it."

"It's up to you." I told Jessica, looking at her. "It's your body."

"It's your money."

"But, it's your body. Whatever you decide, I will fully support."

"I'll be back in a few minutes." The doctor told us, leaving the room.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"I'm all for the treatments, but if you don't want to go through all of that, I understand. It's ultimately up to you baby. I want you to live as long as possibly, I'm not ready to lose you yet. But, I am ready to stand behind you and support you in whatever decision you make." I said, my voice cracking.

"I-I think I want to do the treatments. I don't want to leave you and my family just yet. These next two years are going t be hell, but at least I'll be here."

" Okay." I said, standing up. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly, kissing her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She said, kissing my nose. I sat down and sighed, wiping the stray tears off my cheeks. There was a knock on the door and the doctor walked back in.

"So, what did we decide?"

"I want to go through with the treatments."

"Awesome." She said and started going through everything we needed to know and giving us dates and times, setting up appointments with us.

We walked back out to the car and drove back home. We laid in bed and fell asleep, not ready to tackle this monster.


Did they make the right choice?


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