Seventy Two

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Katalina's POV- May 2017

I opened the door to the house and quietly stepped inside. Just as I closed the door and locked it, I heard a light growl come from the garage. I adjusted my backpack on my arm and made my way to the staircase. A bark was heard and I turned around to see Penny making her way over.

"Shh" I told her.

She wagged her tail and approached me. I knew better than to walk away from Penny, she was needy and demanded at least a pat on the head as acknowledgment. I set my backpack down and bent down a bit to scratch behind her ear.

"Hi girl" I cooed at her.

I heard a door open upstairs as Penny decided to go back to bed. I picked up my backpack and began walking up the stairs. The light in the hallway turned on as I got to the top of the stairs.


I smiled at my dad as he made his way over.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked him.

He shook his head and pulled me into a hug.

"No, your mom was checking on Corey"

I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"How did that go?" I asked.

He let out a deep breath and shook his head.

"I thought he was going to pass out when Mel adjusted his arm back into place. The sound of his bone being popped back into place was blocked by his screams"

The door to my room opened and mom stepped out. She smiled at me and closed the door behind her.

"How long will he be asleep for?" I asked.

"He might wake up, but he will be to drowsy to do much"

I nodded.

"How's his arm?" I asked.

"He can move it now, so that's good"

"Yes it is" I said agreeing with her.

She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"You need to relax honey, he's going to be ok"

I nodded and she kissed my forehead.

"I have to be up early, so I should go to bed"

"Ok, night mom" I said.

She nodded and I turned to dad.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"No honey, I'll be home tomorrow"

"Ok, I'm going to go to bed" I told him.

I smiled at Jojo who was looking up at me.

"Hi boy" I cooed.

I opened the door to my room and raised an eyebrow as he ran to my parent's room.

"What just happened?" I asked my dad.

"He was really happy to see Corey when we got back and accidently nudged his arm"

Dad nodded.

"Corey screamed, and Jojo ran"

I frowned and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't stress over this"

I nodded and he smiled.


"Night" I said.

He smiled and I closed the door. I could lightly hear Corey's deep breathing across the room as I set my backpack on the floor. I turned on the lamp on the desk and looked at Corey who was fast asleep. I made my way around the bed and sat on the edge next to him. I leaned forward and slowly pushed his hair back. I carefully moved the blanket off of his upperbody. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see how his shoulder was wrapped in a brace. I carefully placed my hand on his shoulder and noticed how his arm wasn't hot like how it was. I moved my hand from his shoulder and kissed his cheek. I froze a bit when Corey stirred a bit.

"Shhhh, go back to sleep" I said quietly.

He leaned his head against my nose and let out a deep breath. He mumbled something but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"I'm right here, go to sleep" I said.

I squeezed his left hand and rubbed his hand with my thumb. His breathing deepened and hitched a bit when I let go of his hand. I got off the bed and went around to get into the bed. He coughed and let out another mumbled as his left hand reached for me.

"Give me a second" I told him.

I shut off the light and got under the blankets. I adjusted the blankets on his body earning a sigh from him. I lied down next to him and kissed his cheek. I stayed up for a bit hearing his breathing and once I made sure he was in fact asleep I fell asleep.

 I stayed up for a bit hearing his breathing and once I made sure he was in fact asleep I fell asleep

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The Series is tied! Love my boys in blue!

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