Fifty Six

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Corey's POV- September 2016

"Gatorade, or coconut water?"

"Either is fine" I admitted.

I watched as Vero quietly grabbed a can of coconut water from the fridge and her mug. Kat and Jaclyn had class, and the only ones home were Liv and Vero.

"I would offer you coffee, but I made soup. You probably should stay hydrated"

"You know I'm not that hungover" I stated.

She smiled and set her mug down before handing me the coconut water.

"You have to thank Jaclyn for that because she spent at least 20 minutes convincing you to take some advil last night"

She laughed and looked at her laptop.

"She tricked you into thinking they were candy"

"Drunk me would fall for that" I stated as I took a gulp of the coconut water.

"Did you sleep well? When I got back from class you were showering"

"Yeah, I took a nap after" I told her as I watched her type.

"I know, I checked on you and your were fast asleep"

"So you were the one who put a blanket over me" I said.

She shrugged.

"You looked cold"

"I was, thanks" I said.

I took a small sip of coconut water and rubbed my face.

"I'll probably take a nap after I eat" I told her.

I hadn't known Vero that long, but I had noticed that she was a bit quieter than Jaclyn and Olivia.

"Do you have class again?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Nope, just an 8am"

"You need the class as well?" I asked.

Kat and Jaclyn had Organic Chemistry at 8am on Tuesday's and Thursdays. Joc had showed me a picture Jaclyn had posted on instagram of both of them holding coffee cups in a classroomt their first day back last week. It was captioned "That 8AM Ochem grind #WishUsLuck #SummerIsOver #NoSleep

"Yup and it's the only Computer Science class that is only offered at 8am. I figured I'd take it now so I could sleep my senior year"

I nodded.

"Don't ask me what I plan on doing with my degree after I graduate"

I laughed.

"I wasn't" I stated.

She hummed.

"I knew I liked you for a reason Seager"

The front door opened and I heard Jaclyn let out a sigh.

"I wonder if he's single"

The door closed as Kat laughed.

"You can figure that out in 10 weeks when he's not your TA"

Jaclyn hummed.


Kat walked into the kitchen and smiled at me.

"I figured Vero was still up since I smelled soup, but I thought you'd still be asleep"

"My bladder woke me up" I told her.

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