Fifty Two

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Katalina's POV- September 2016

I shut off the car and noticed Corey was already making his way over. I got out of the car and smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Surprise!" I told him as he picked me up.

"What a nice surprise"

He kissed my cheek and set me down. Corey was able to make it to my first game since he had the day off, and I was able to make it his game the next day because coach had given us the day off. We had practice during Labor Day weekend so I wasn't home those days.

"You're spending the night, right?"

I nodded and he pecked my lips.

"I didn't think I'd be able to see you before the roadtrip"

"Coach canceled tomorrow's practice, so I figured I could surprise you" I said.

He smiled.

"Where's your bag?"

"The passenger seat" I told him.

He nodded and I closed the car door. He followed me around and got my bag for me.

"How was your game?"

"I started" I told him.

He smiled.

"That's great, you seem happy so I figure the game was a good game?"

I nodded.

"2-0" I told him.

He pecked my lips.

"Another shutout"

I nodded and locked the car door.

"Come on, let's go inside"

He followed me to the front door where Trayce was already standing infront of the doorway laughing.

"He literally bolted out when he saw your car out front"

I smiled and accepted the hug he was offering me.

"Good game?"

"Yeah, what about you guys?" I asked.

"We won"

He pulled away and looked at Corey.

"Corey here had 2 runs"

I looked at Corey.

"That's great" I told him.

He shrugged.

"We're going to be in my room"

Joc wiggled his eyebrows at us and Alex nodded.

"Nice seeing you Kat"

"Oh before I forget. I made you guys cookies" I said.

I made my way over to Corey and opened the dufflebag. I pulled out the large ziplock bag and tossed them to Trayce who was closer. Corey looked at me as the guys made their way to Trayce who already had a cookie in his mouth.

"You brought me my own bag, right?"

I looked at Corey.

"Yes" I told him.

He nodded and I followed him to his room.

"We could have stayed in the living room" I told him as I closed the door to his room.

He smiled.

"I know"

He kissed my cheek and pulled me inot a tight hug.

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