Fifty Seven

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Katalina's POV- September 2016

"I think I got it all, can you check for me?"

Corey turned to me and opened his mouth. Olivia and Vero had made steak, so we had that for dinner. It was incredibly good, but everyone had to floss after.

"I think you got it all" I told him.

He nodded and washed his hands.

"Invite the girls, so you don't have to drive back alone"

I nodded and peaked into Vero's room.

"Want to go get icecream with Corey and I?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Let me put on pants"

I nodded and closed the door for her. I knocked on Olivia's door and turned when Jaclyn's door opened.

"I don't want to go!"

She pouted and closed the door.

"Are you taking Corey to his hotel already?"

I nodded.

"His teammates should be there soon" I told her as Olivia opened the door to her room.

"What's up?"

"Do you want to go get icecream with Corey and I?" I asked.

She waved at Jaclyn who was making her way out.

"Yeah, are you dropping him off already?"

I nodded and she frowned.

"Can't he stay over?"

"We're all busy tomorrow morning" I told her.

"That's true, let me put on pants"

"What you're wearing is fine" I told her.

She laughed.

"These shorts don't see the outside world Katalina"

I smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'm going to put on some shoes" I said.

She nodded and closed the door. I made my way to my room and Corey looked up.

"What'd they say?"

"They're changing" I told him.

He nodded and I reached for my converse.

"Your schedule is actually terrifying, when do you eat?"

I slipped on my shoes and looked at the calendar.

"I have time to eat, I made sure I did" I told him.

He nodded.

"What class do you have on Wednesday's? Why is it so long?"

"It's for my thesis" I said.

"Oh, that makes sense then"

I nodded and grabbed my purse.

"Can you grab my phone?" I asked Corey.

He nodded and handed me the phone.

"Girls" I called out as I tossed my phone in my purse.

"In the living room!"

Corey grabbed his suitcase and I followed him out of the room. We followed him out and down the stairs.

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