Thirty Seven

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Katalina's POV- July 2016

Maddy gave Corey a tight smile as she put her hands on his shoulder.

"I thought I told you formal attire"

She fixed the collar on his polo and her hands cupped his face.

"There's only so much your face can do to help that outfit"

She pretended to pinch his cheeks and he smiled at her.

"Thanks, I feel the love Maddy"

She nodded and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Honey, you look stunning"

She pulled away and tucked a lose curl behind my ear.

"Thank you, I love your dress" I told her.

She smiled.

"You are too sweet"

She turned to Corey and smiled as she rubbed his back.

"Are you two sure that you want to go public?"

Corey nodded and she let out a hum.

"Alright, feel free to post a picture of you two together. Enjoy your night, don't do anything stupid"

I laughed and she snapped her fingers.

"Oh before I forget"

She looked at me.

"Tyler is here, and he wants to meet you"

"This is going to be fun" I said.

She laughed and nodded.

"Well I'll let you two get inside, I have to wait until all of this is over"

I nodded.

"I'll see you inside" I told her.

She gave me two thumbs up as Corey got my hand.

"Thanks for coming"

I smiled at Corey as he led me to the field.

"We should be able to leave before midnight"

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. He began greeting all these people and I just stood next to him and shook the person's hand after they noticed I was standing next to Corey. It was a bit awkward, but soon we were seated in a couch. I looked up and smiled at Joc who was holding a glass of wine in one hand, and his girlfriend's hand on the other. She looked at Joc who was talking with Corey and then smiled at me.

"Can we sit here?"

I nodded and scotted closer to Corey.

"Yeah, of course" I said.

She smiled and took a seat next to me.

"I love your dress"

I smiled.

"Thank you, i love your heels" I told her.

She smiled and I turned to Corey when he placed his hand on my thigh.

"I'm going to go get something to drink, do you want something?"

"Water" I said

"Excuse me"

I looked up and smiled at the photographer.

"Can I get a picture of you 4?"

Corey nodded and Joc took a seat next to his girlfriend.

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