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Katalina's POV- May 2016

"Are you sure you're ok with us going?"

I smiled as I saw they were both studying my face.

"Go and have fun" I said.

Mike nodded slowly as David continued staring at me.

"We can all go to dinner tomorrow" I assured him.

Mike made his way over and kissed my forehead.

"Pizza is on its way"

"Ok" I said.

He nodded and David cleared his throat.

"We're a call away, ok?"

I nodded and he made his way over.

"We can go get brunch tomorrow, ok?"

I smiled.

"I was going to wake you two up either way" I told him.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"I'll leave the tip on the coffee table downstairs"

He squeezed my shoulder.

"You can bring the pizza up here, I don't really mind"

"Ok" I said.

I got out of his bed and smiled.

"I'll walk you two downstairs" I said.

Mike nodded and looked down at his phone.

"Uber is almost here"

I followed them downstairs and Kayla looked up from her textbook. She nodded slowly and looked back down at her textbook as she hummed.


They looked at her and she raised an eyebrow at them.

"I'll talk with you two tomorrow"

David couldn't even look at her in the eye as Mike nodded at her.

"Have fun" I called out as they made their way out.

The door closed and Kayla looked at me. She offered me a smiled and looked at the time. The front door opened and I turned towards the hallway. Mike made his way into the living room.

"Bumped into the pizza delivery man on our way out"

He set the pizza and wings on the coffee table and grabbed the tip on his way out. The front door closed and I smiled at Kayla.

"That's incredibly shitty of them"

I shrugged and looked at the Pizza.

"Do they think Pizza compares to the Steak you were craving?"

She shook her head and pulled out her phone.

"If it's Steak you're craving, Steak you will get. Go put on your cute little boots and grab a jacket "

I followed her upstairs and just as I was finished putting on my boots she knocked on the door. I looked at her as I stood up and slipped on my jacket.

"Ok, so change of plans. You will still get your steak though"

I nodded and grabbed my bag as I followed her out of the room.

"We're going to the movies, my dad actually got Alex and I tickets without telling me. Alex is on a date with Martin, so you're coming with instead. Dad will bring you your steak to the movies"

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