Forty Nine

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Katalina's POV- August 2016

I quietly opened the door to Corey's room careful not to wake him up. He was practically asleep when I went to shower and that had been 45 minutes ago. I closed the door to the room and turned around to see Corey slowly sitting up.

"I thought you would be asleep" I said.

He rubbed his face and hummed.

"I'm not that tired"

I smiled and nodded as I heard a light slur in his voice.

"Of course you're not" I sassed at him.

I put my phone to charge next to his and sat on the edge of the bed as he lied back down.

"What took you so long?"

"I had to blowdry my hair" I told him as I began to french braid it.

He watched me frenchbraid my hair and as I secured the braid he cleared his throat.

"I'm thinking about lightening my hair" I said.

"Like highlights?"

I nodded.

"I should get them done before school starts" I thought outloud.

Corey yawned and reached for my arm.

"Come here"

"Let me shut off the light" I told him.

He frowned as I got off my bed and shut off the light.

"Don't trip over anything"

"It's not that dark in here Corey, the TV is on" I said.

I climbed up on the bed and curled up next to him.

"How was your week?"

"Tiring" I admitted.

"Yeah, what have you been doing?"

"Running, I'm a goaltender for a reason goalie Corey" I said.

He chuckled and shifted on his side cuddling up to me.

"I missed you"

He nuzzled his nose against my collarbone and hummed.

"You're tired" I told him.


"Liar" I said as my hand trailed from his back to his neck and up to his hair.

"I missed you"

I smiled.

"I missed you too" I said turning my head a bit and kissing his forehead.

I ran my hand through his hair and he groaned.


I laughed.

"You need to sleep because if I remember correct you haven't had a good night's sleep" I stated.

He shifted a bit closer to me as I continued to run my hand through his haid. I had found Corey's true weakness, head massages.

"I'm not too heavy, right?"

"Actually no, it feels great on my thigh" I said.

He laughed.


"Yoga helps, but my thighs feel like jello" I admitted.

"Lay on your back"

I shifted on my back and he lifted himself up. I noticed his arms wobbled a bit, but I pretended not to notice.

"Just nudge me when I get heavy"

"Ok" I said as he lowered himself on me.

"You smell different again."

"You noticed" I stated.

"You smell like cucumbers again"

"What did I smell like before?" I asked.

"Pomegranate or peaches"

"You're so weird" I told him.

He hummed.

"I like this smell more"

I laughed.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He nodded and pressed his nose against my neck.

"Yeah, you smelled like this when I met you"

"You smelled me?" I asked.

He laughed.

"I know it sounds weird, but I smelled you when I hugged you"

"Did I smell good?" I asked.


I smiled and ran my hand through his hair.

"Do I smell good?"

"You always smell good" I told him.

"Yeah? Even after games when I'm all sweaty"

"I don't think I've seen you after one of your games where you're all sweaty" I admitted.

"Do you get grossed out by sweat?"

"Do you Mike sweat or normal sweat?" I asked.

He laughed.

"No one sweats as much as Mike"

"Exactly, I should be fine" I told him.

He nodded slowly and yawned.

"Let's go to sleep" I told him

I slept like a baby that night, and so did Corey. The drool he left on my shoulder certainly proved it.

 The drool he left on my shoulder certainly proved it

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