Sixty One

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Corey's POV- December 2016

"I was hoping we could spend Christmas together" I told Kat.

"It you're asking me to go to North Carolina with you for Christmas, I can't"

Well that was blunt.

"Why not?" I asked.

She looked away from her laptop at me.

"Oh, uh Martin is proposing to Alex on Christmas"

Ok, that made sense.

"Oh" was all I had to say.

She nodded and closed her laptop before getting out of the bed. She set it on her desk and climbed back on the bed.

"I could go for New Years? You know if the offer still stands"

I smiled and nodded as she cuddled up to me.

"Of course it does, my mom just wants me to take you home" I told her as I squeezed her.

She hummed and pressed her nose against my chest.

"Do you feel better?" I asked as I rubbed her back.

She sniffled a bit and cleared her throat.

"I hate you"

I smiled.

"I'm sorry" I told her.

I let go of her as she sat up and reached for her water bottle. She coughed and I made a face at how congested she sounded.

"For what exactly are you sorry about?"

"For sneezing on your face" I said.

Kat and I had not spent Thanksgiving together; I had spent it with my family in Washington. I got rained on about 3 times that weekend: twice in Seattle and once in LA. I got the flu and to make matters much worse I also got an ear infection. I ended up getting Kat sick when she went to check up on me a week before her final exams.

"It's fine, I actually just checked my grades"

"Yeah?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled.

"Straight A's"

"That's great" I said.

She sat up a bit and I gave her a proper hug.

"Group hug!"

I looked up just as Ariadne, Kat's sister in law jumped on the bed to join the hug.

"Why are we hugging?"

"Kat got straight A's" I said.

Aria smiled and looked at Kat.

"See? You worried for nothing"

Kat looked at her.

"I took a final with a really high fever"

Aria smiled.

"The curve was in your favor"

"I didn't try my best though"

"Don't question it, accept it"

She clapped her hands.

"Mom told me to come tell you guys that food will be ready in 5"

Kat nodded.

"We'll be there in a bit"

Aria nodded and climbed off the bed.

"Alright, I'm going to go set the table"

She left the room and I looked at Kat.

"Do I have to ask your parents if you could come home with me?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Yeah, they'd appreciate it"

I nodded.

"I'll ask after dinner" I told her.

I smiled at her.

"You're the best, you know that?" I asked.

She hummed.

"You mention it a lot"

"You mention it a lot"

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