Twenty Six

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Katalina's POV- July 2016

There was a knock making David look away from his phone.

"Come in"

The door opened and Martin stepped into the room.

"Alex said she's on her way, but she wants to shower"

"Sounds good" I said.

David groaned next to me.

"I'm starving"

"Eat something" I told him.

I saved the finished video edit I was working on and closed my laptop.

"My legs hurt" I complained as David's cat Patron cuddled up on my lap.

David chuckled and glanced up from his phone. Martin rubbed his neck and smiled.

"I'm going to go change now"

I nodded and he left.

"How'd that go?"

This morning no one was home. Alex and Mike were at work and David was running an errand with his mom. Kayla was out of town with her family. At around 9AM Martin showed up and asked if I wanted to shoot pucks at him for a bit. I agreed and he took me to breakfast before going to the Sharks practice facility.

"It was fun" I admitted.

"What'd you do?"

"I shot pucks at him, and he showed me a few of his stretches" I said.

He nodded.

"What do you think of Martin?"

I smiled.

"He's sassy, I like it" I told him.

David laughed and nodded.

"It's nice to see Alex really happy" I said earning a nod from him.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen her this happy"

I nodded and he looked at the time.

"Are we going to have time to go eat and make it back for the Homerun Derby?"

I shook my head and looked at my phone when it lit up.

"I doubt it" I said as I opened the text.

[b]Record the homerun derby and we can watch it when we get back from dinner?[/b]

"Alex said to record it so we can watch it when we get back from dinner" I told him.

He nodded and stood up.

"Living room, right?"

"Well yeah, it'd be weird to watch it from her room" I told him.

He rolled his eyes and we turned when Mike walked into the room.

"Answer your phone, I just got yelled at by Jaclyn"

I took the phone from him and looked at the screen. I had quite a few missed calls from Maddy, Jaclyn, and Corey. I called Corey back and his phone went straight to voicemail.

"Call Jac, she was the one that wanted to talk to you"

I called Jaclyn and frowned as I was sent to voicemail.

"Try Maddy?"

Just as I was about to call Maddy, Jaclyn's face appeared on the screen. I accepted the facetime call.

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