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Katalina's POV- May 2016

I smiled as Olivia's whistle caught Joc's attention. He smiled and made his way over to the dugout. He then patted Corey's arm and leaned close to him. Corey turned slowly and I smiled as I waved at him. Corey grinned and turned his attention to Joc whom he shoved. You see; he was looking up at the seats where my parents were currently sitting at.

"What a tall and beautiful man"

I looked at Olivia who was nodding slowly.

"I approve"

She smiled and waved at Corey who was watching us. He smiled and waved back earning a laugh from Olivia.

"I'm just glad you chose him over the Swede"

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I didn't choose anyone over anyone" I said.

She smiled.

"You nicely told the Swede to fuck off"

I had set my mind that I would not get back with Adrian, and nothing would change my decision. Not even his beautiful face would change my mind.

"Not because there was another" I said.

Olivia let out a whistle and shook her head.

"The fact that Mike set you up though"

I laughed and she nudged me

"The guy must be incredibly nice and come from a good family if Mike agreed to introduce you to him"

"Stop" I said.

She grinned and nudged me again. Her elbow was incredibly powerful and it hurt my side.

"Come on, you like him. What's not to like?"

She shrugged and signaled with her hand at Corey who still had his back to us. Joc noticed and told Corey something.

"He's got the face, the thighs and let's not forget that backside. Don't think I didn't look"

She winked at Corey who turned around to look at us. I shook my head and sighed at her.

"Why do I bring you with me?" I asked.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek twice.

"Because you love me!"

I tried pulling away but she gripped onto my neck more.

"Well this is interesting"

I looked up and smiled at Maddy as Olivia let go of me.

"He certainly looks happy to see you"

Maddy took a seat next to me and I followed her gaze. Corey was looking in our direction and he was laughing. I smiled as one of his teammate; Justin Turner put his arm around his shoulder and dragged him into the dug out.

"He was pretty bummed he couldn't see you last night"

I turned to Maddy who was looking at me.

"An RA that was supposed to be on duty has food poisoning, so I had his shifts yesterday and this morning" I said.

She nodded.

"They gave you all a shift?"

I nodded.

"Well at least you're free now"

I smiled and nodded at her.

"Yeah, thank you for the seats" I told her.

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