Getting Out of Our Way

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“Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” George Herman “Babe” Ruth

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20

Fortitude: “courage in pain or adversity” New Oxford American Dictionary

Recently I heard of a man named Peter White. He does a documentary series for BBC radio called, “Blind Man Roams the Globe.” When I heard of him I knew I had to hear his show. I wanted to get a perspective of world adventures through the senses of a blind person. It was fascinating to hear San Francisco described without visual descriptions, to hear it described using sounds, smells, and feelings. But as I was listening I was struck by something else, I was impressed with how courageous this man was. Not only does he travel around the world constantly having to ask people for help and directions, somehow he had the idea that he could travel through and describe the world as a blind person. Then he actually stuck to his idea, and followed through on his plan. If Peter White has the ability to be a blind tour guide, what do you think we can accomplish? Let's all try to be a little more like Peter White, forget about our fears and doubts, and follow through on our ideas. What if we could all eliminate our biggest obstacles, ourselves?

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What am I dreaming of?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow? 

Thanks for reading.


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