Chapter 37

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•Savannah's POV•
Quinn left about twenty to meet up with Calum, and I just Willow down for a nap. I decided that I needed a little time to spend with my dad. I walked over to Luke's room, knocking on the door.

"Come in," his voice cracked and I heard him sniffle. Was he crying?

I opened his door and walked in, sitting on his bed.

"Luke, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"Arzaylea," he cried.

"I'm sorry, but what happened?"

"She broke up with me because we got in an argument about having kids. I wanted them and she wanted to be married first, but I wasn't ready to marry her. Now I don't have worry about it I guess," he finished, sobbing into his knees.

"Come here," I motioned, opening my arms.

He scooted over, falling onto my chest. I held onto his back and rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to calm him down.

"Sh, Luke it's alright. She's not worth your tears. And I don't think you want kids right now. I was under the influence when I conceived Willow. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give her up for anything in the whole entire world. But I wished I had waited until I was married before I lost my virginity and had her. I'm still glad that things worked out though. You need to find a girl that you're willing to settle down with before you think about having kids. Don't be like me, okay? You have your whole life to worry about relationships and children. Focus on your career for now, and who knows. You might just find the one before you know it. Only date will decide," I breathed, holding my brother tightly against me.

I've missed hanging out with him and us comforting each other. It's been a little while since we've gotten to do this kind of stuff.

"Thank you, Savannah. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. You are such an amazing person and I'm glad that a got you as a sister. I'm serious, you're my idol. I've always admired you, and that's part of why I picked on you during high school. I was jealous of you," he admitted.

"Really? You admire me? That's so cute Luke! And if anything I should be jealous of you. You're living the dream!" I laughed, earning a weak chuckle from him.

"I love you, small child."

"I love you too, freakishly tall giraffe."

"That was a good one," we both laughed.

"I think I have something to cheer you up," I said, smiling.

He knitted his eyebrows, so I pulled him by the arm into my room and pointed to my sleeping daughter.

"I need a babysitter. Are you free in ten minutes?" I asked, looking down at my wrist that didn't even have a watch.

"I don't know, I'd have to check my schedule." He smirked, nodding his head.

"Thanks Luke. I should be back in a few hours, but if anything happens you have my number," I said, hugging him tightly and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't worry, Savannah. I've got Mom, plus Michael and Ashton are coming over in a few minutes so I'll be okay. Go have fun with whatever you're doing and be please be careful," he reassured me as we walked down the hall and stairs.

I grabbed my purse, throwing my phone and wallet inside before heading outside of the house. I reached for my phone to call my father. Impatiently, I tapped my foot on the ground waiting for him to answer my call.


"Hi Dad."

"Savannah! How are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. I was actually wondering if you wanted to catch up a bit and meet me at the cafe for coffee."

"The one on Brinnely Street?"


"Sure, I'll be there in ten minutes."

I hung up the phone and got into my car, tossing my bag into the passenger seat. I put both front windows down. The soft wind hit my face as the wheels of my car rolled down the street. I smiled to myself, the earthy smell filling up my nose.

Driving through town, a wave of nostalgia was thrown at me. I remembered all the little girly trips I took with my mum at the shops, and how Luke and I would walk to the ice cream shop when mum was working on the weekends. I sighed at the thought of how much has changed since then.

The cafe soon appeared, and I parked right up front in the only empty spot left. I turned the car off, grabbing my wallet and phone before exiting my car. The heat of summer was only beginning to kick in, but it was already stifling outside.

I strutted into the small building, immediately being hit with the wonderful smell of freshly brewed coffee. I moaned in delight as the delicious scent filled up my lungs. I scanned the entire area, seeing my dad at a table.

I walked over to him and sat down in the chair straight across from his. He gave me a toothy grin, handing me his menu. I looked it over and decided on getting a caramel latte and a grilled cheese with bacon on pita bread.

Dad went up and ordered our food while I texted Calum so he wouldn't freak out when he got home.

S- hey babe, I'm having lunch with my dad. I'll be back in a bit. Luke is watching Willow, and he may need a guy to guy talk about children. He sorta kinda wants them and Arzaylea doesn't, so they broke up over it.

C- okay, and damn. I'll talk to him. Just be careful, alright? I love you.

S- I love you too, Cal.

I shut my phone off just as my dad set the tray down on the table with our food. I picked up my sandwich, but quickly put it back down because it was really hot.

"So, there's some questions that I'd like to ask. I want honest answers no matter what," I stated, using a serious yet stern tone.

"Of course, Savannah. I knew you'd have questions for me. Go ahead! Ask me anything you would like," he replied rather quickly.

"Why did you leave us?"

"Your mother and I were not at a good place, and we decided that it would be best if I left before you kids had a good connection with me."

"I understand, but why didn't you try to keep in contact with us?"

"I thought it would be better if you didn't know me that well. I wouldn't have been able to stay away from you guys for as long as I had."

"I felt so alone. Luke was the only male figure I could look up to, but even he couldn't always be there for me."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. It was a mistake and I wish I could take it back but I can't. If you're willing to move forward and have a relationship with me, I'd be more than happy to do so. I can't tell you how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Dad. And I'd love to build a relationship with you."

His hand reached out and grabbed mine, holding it as a way of comfort. And for once in my life, I felt an empty hole being filled. I felt whole; complete. I'm not going to lie, I loved it.

Hey guys! Here's another update! I'm trying to do updates every week. And I'm getting my laptop on Friday so it'll be easier for me to write on there.



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