Chapter 20

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•Savannah's POV•

"That was so relaxing." I said to Calum, shutting my eyes while he drove the car.

"Good. By the way, I've got another surprise." He mumbled the second part, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Calum, you really didn't even need to take me out today. I wouldn't want you to waste your money on someone like me." I said truthfully, opening my eyes to look over at him.

He didn't bother to glance back, he just ignored what I said and driving, picking up speed a little bit. I huffed and sunk lower into the seat, pulling out my phone. I texted Luke to tell him we wouldn't be home for another few hours, and he replied within seconds saying that Calum already told him our plans before we left. So he knows too? I think it's really sweet, but I didn't want him to spend money on me when he could be spending it on himself, or a new bass guitar or something of that nature.

"I can tell what you're thinking, Savannah. And no i don't mind spending money on you instead of myself." He retorted.

"I just said that all out loud, didn't I?" he nodded, and I cringed a bit.

"Savannah. You don't understand. There really isn't anything I wouldn't do for you and our daughter. Spending a little bit of the fortune I've made so far is nothing compared to what I want to be able to do with you in future. I love you, okay? And I want to give you everything." He spoke, parking the car in a grassy field under a huge tree.

"Calum, I love you too. I'm so lucky to have such a great guy in me and our daughter's lives. Thank you for giving me the happiness I've wanted for so long now." I replied, pulling him in a hug.

His arms snaked their way around me, pulling me across the seat, into his lap. I carefully placed my lips upon his, soaking up all the feeling I was getting from it.

"Your so beautiful." Calum mumbled, looking straight into my eyes.

I could feel heat prickling at my cheeks. I put my head in my hands to cover the blush that was beginning to appear. He attempted to gently pry my hands off of my face, but I fought against him.

"Savannah." He whined in a tone only a five year old would use.

I peaked between two of my fingers, which made him giggle. Yes I said giggle. And it was so damn cute that I legit starting laughing.

"Stop being cute!" I squealed. Now it was his turn to blush.

Calum opened his door, and pulled us both out, before grabbing a basket and blanket, then closing the door. He spread the blanket across the grass, and sat down with the basket. He pat the spot next to him, and I sat down carefully.

"I know I've said this at least a million times today, but thank you Cal. This is really sweet of you and I want you to know that I really appreciate it." I said, pecking his cheek.

He continued pulling food from the basket, as my stomach grumbled at the sight it. Calum chuckled and looked over to me.

"Looks like I had this nicely planned out then, huh?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh shut up. All I had was coffee this morning." I replied, sticking tongue out at him.

This only turned into a funny face off, which of course, Calum won. I pulled a sandwich and some different fruits from the abundance of food he had brought, and began to munch away, leaning my head on his shoulder. I realized he was wearing a Cobain shirt (a/n see where I'm going with this 😏) and I thought of one of his songs.

"How did we end up talking in the first place." I sang. Calum must've caught on.

"You said you liked my Cobain shirt." He sang along.

"Now we're walking back to your place." I continued.

"You're telling me how you love that song,"

"About living on a prayer."

"I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there."

"I wanna wake up next to you and wonder how,"

"How did we end up here?" Calum finished the end of the chorus with a bright smile.

I started to lean into him and he did the same. He closed the space between us, and before I knew it, we were making out. He pulled away to take a breath, which I had done too.

"Savannah. I have something I need to tell you." He said, looking at me, then looking back down at his hands.

Shit. This can't be good. I nodded and waited for him to continue, a lump forming in my throat.

"I know it hasn't been that long since I've become a father, but I really love you both. And I want to make sure I don't fuck any of this up, because you and both know that I most likely will. I just want things to be perfect for us, and I want Willow to have her parents with the same last name. And I want you, most of all. I want you all to myself. I know it sounds selfish, but I've never been in love with someone as much as I am with you. I've loved you ever since we left that day, and now I don't know what I would do without you. When I heard that you get into that car crash, I thought you were gone, and I almost didn't come with Luke to the hospital. Then I saw that your friend was okay. She got to go home with her parents that same day, but she had a concussion. And when I walked to your room, Luke stopped me and told me that you had been pregnant. I asked him who the father was, and he just shrugged and walked into the room. I was so relieved to see that you were okay. And let me tell you now, I cried. I couldn't stand the idea of no longer having you in my life. And then you opened your eyes. And that's when I started to get a little bit angry." He stopped with a sigh. I couldn't do anything but stare at him in pure shock. I had words to say, they just weren't coming out of my mouth. He opened his mouth to continue, and I saw as he began to look very nervous.

"Then I realized it wouldn't matter who the father was as long as you were happy. But then you told me I was the father, and I flipped out on you and I'm so sorry. I was just shocked. And when you kicked me out of that room, I went back home, and I thought about a lot. Then Luke asked me if I was still coming to spend the summer and I agreed because I wanted to settle things out with you because of how much of a jerk I had been, and because I was madly in love with you. I just can't believe things actually ended up this way. But hell am I glad it did. But now that I've gotten that out the way, I have a very important question for you." He said, turning to face me.

I was still in shock, trying to soak up all the new information I had just been given. I nodded and waited for him to continue once more. He took a deep breath and began to stand up, he pointed towards the stars that had begun to form and instructed me to observe carefully.

Confused, I turned back around to find him down on one knee with a small black box in his hands. He opened it slowly, only to reveal a huge diamond ring. I gasped harshly. Oh my god. This isn't what I think it is. It can't be. I must be dreaming!

"Savannah Grace Hemmings, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be able to sit with you one day when we're older and watch as our grandkids play with each other. I want to be the only guy you're ever with. I want to be the one who's always there to cuddle with you at night. I know I'm really cheesy right now, but I don't care. Savannah, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

I froze. Well. I know one thing for sure. I'm definitely not dreaming. What am I waiting for?! Man up and give him a damn answer!

"Yes!" I squealed, jumping into his arms. He let a heavy breath out and embraced me tightly. He pulled back and took my hand, slipping the ring onto my finger. My life just keeps getting better and better.

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days now. But it's finished. I hope it was worth the wait!! 😍

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