Chapter 15

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•Savannah's POV•

I could feel Calum's stare burning holes in the side of my head, as I just told the nurse Willow would be taking his last name.

Luke smiled, but I didn't return the favor.

"I'll leave you two alone." Luke said, leaving the room.

"How?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I never had sex with you! I'm not the fucking father to your fucking kid!" He yelled, his face turning red. A tear slipped down my cheek.

"I can't fucking believe you! Remember the fucking party you had at the end of the school year? Huh? Well you and I were both drunk, you dragged me up to your room, and I woke up the next morning naked and left before you woke up and noticed! There now you fucking know!" I yelled, sobbing.

"Look, Savan-" I cut him off.

"No. Get out. I don't wanna hear it. I was scared to death to fucking tell you. I thought you were going to beat Willow the same way you beat me if you found out. So that's why I didn't fucking tell you, because I was fucking scared. And be lucky I gave her your fucking last name you prick. I don't want you near her ever. Now go away." I spat.

He left the room, with a sad and disappointed look on his face. I kind of felt bad, but he deserved it. Tears were now streaming down my face, and they were more angry tears than sad ones.

A nurse wheeled in a cart with a clear basket. There were faint noises coming from the basket.

"Would you like to hold her?" The nurse asked. I nodded eagerly, which made the nurse laugh.

She handed me my daughter, and then, my angry tears turned into joyful tears. My little Willow. Willow Anne Hood. I shuddered at the last part. Focus on your daughter and not the prick at the moment.

"Hello my little Willow. You look like your daddy, you know that? I wish he wouldn't be such a jerk, or you would be seeing him a lot more often. Yeah." I cooed to my newborn daughter.

She had thick dark hair like Calum. Her nose was a mix. Eyes were like Calum. Lips were like mine. Her skin tone was a mix. She was absolutely gorgeous. I never knew how much you could love someone so little until now. Stop thinking about him, Savannah!

"I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you, Willow. I promise. Plus, you've got your uncle Luke, and uncle Mike, and uncle Ash. And you've got your grandma, even your uncle Jack too. You've got a lot of people who're looking out for you all the time, baby girl." I mumbled, holding her close to my chest.

She began to whimper, so I rocked her slightly, which hushed her pretty quickly. There was a slight knock on the door, and then my mum and Luke walked in the room.

"Oh she's so precious!" My mum squealed. I chuckled a little.

"You wanna hold her mum?" I asked. I quickly nodded, and walked to the side of my bed. I handed her over, and watched in awe as my mum was finally a grandmother.

"What's her name?" She asked. I tensed up a bit, but smiled then cover it up.

"Willow Anne." I replied.

"That's a beautiful name, Savannah. Willow Anne Hemmings." My heart sank.

"Mum, that's not her last name." I mumbled. She looked at me, shock written across her face.

"W-what's her last name then?" She asked, nervously.

"Hood." I whispered.

"That's wonderful, honey! Where is he?" My mum questioned, looking around the room to make sure she didn't miss him when she walked in.

"No, mum. Not wonderful. He's the one who bullied me throughout my entire three years of high school. He was the one who had drunk sex with me. I was so scared to tell him, so I didn't. And when he finally found out, he started screaming at me that he wasn't the father, and then I screamed too, and then I kicked him out. So, no mum, not wonderful at all." I retorted, another few tears sliding themselves down my cheeks.

"Sweet heart, I'm so sorry." She apologized, sending me a sympathetic glance.

"It was my fault, too. I shouldn't have gone along with Calum. I'm so sorry, Savannah. I should have stopped him befo-" I cut him off. Im doing a lot of that today, it seems.

"Luke. I already forgave you and I don't blame you because you, Mike, and Ash all apologized to me before things went too far. But Calum didn't. He waited until I was in so much pain, and then he decided that it would be a great time to apologize. So stop being so hard on yourself. This wasn't your fault." I reassured him.

"Thanks Savannah. But I deserved to get punished for this." He said in a serious tone.

"You had to miss your last show because I got in a car accident. That's enough punishment." I said, also in a serious tone.

"Luke, I'm disappointed in you. But I'm happy you two were able to keep a strong bond throughout all of this. I'm proud." My mum spoke. I smiled.

"Mum, why don't we have Uncle Lukey hold his niece?" I suggested with a smirk.

"Oh no, no, no. Savannah, what if I drop her? What I don't hold her the right way and that leads to dropping h-"

"Hush, child!" I said, and he giggled.

"Just sit down at the end of my bed here, and mum will hand you her. All you have to do is support her neck and head with one arm, and then the rest of her body with the other. It's not the hard. Don't stress. You'll probably have to do this one day, too." I instructed, patting the spot on the bed for him to stop.

He sat down hesitantly and looked over to me for reassurance. I nodded and he looked back to my mum, who was lifting Willow down to Luke's arms. She nestled straight into his arms, and I quickly pulled out my phone to take a picture for Twitter. I tagged him and posted it, putting my phone next to me on the bed.

"You know Luke, you're gonna be a great dad one day. Please don't become a parent like I did though. For the sake of your career and the little munchkin. Okay?"

"Thanks Satan." He smirked.

"No problem, Lucifer." I replied, a smug smile lay upon my face. These next few weeks are gonna be a challenge, but I'm so glad that I have such great people with me to help.


Hey guyssss. Sorry this one took a little longer than the others. I got a little bit of writers' block. And I got a little lazy. 😁 sorry. But hope you liked Uncle Lukey. 😂

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