Chapter 4

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•Savannah's POV•

We pulled into the large gated drive way. There was trash everywhere. There were tons of lights flashing from the inside in the dark. Music blasted around the property, which could be heard from at least a mile away. My breath hitched. I've never been to a party before. And I'm scared. Wait. Why in the hell you should I be scared. I'm Savannah fucking Hemmings for gods sake. I'm not scared of anything. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. Michael wrapped an arm around my shoulder, which I quickly pried off. I stuck by Luke, and he gave Michael a death glare. I mouthed 'thank you' to him. He just smiled and nodded.

"Calum's party looks sick this year!" Ashton stated as we stepped in through the front doors. I froze in place. This is Calum's house. Why didn't Luke tell me we were going to Calum's house?! My stomach lurches.

"Sav. What's wrong?" Luke asks, seeing as I didn't follow behind the boys.

"T-this is C-Calum's part-ty?" I stuttered.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I should've told you. I just wanted you to get out, let loose, and have some fun for once. Like I said, I'm not leaving your side." Luke said.

"Pr-promise?" I asked.

"I promise." He put his arm over my shoulder and we walked to the kitchen to grab drinks. I took two shots of tequila and then one of whiskey. That shit tastes nasty as all hell, so I just took one of the red solo cups with a fruity drink in it and walked with Luke into the living room. He was shocked that I could take shots like I had just done, but he could too, so it wasn't like I was the only one.

•Calum's POV•

I'm not gonna lie. I was already drunk before most of the people I invited even arrived. And I will regret it later. But it's not like I can do anything now so, whoops I guess? I saw Michael and Ashton. I waked over to greet them.

"Hey mates!" I yelled over the music.

"Bro, how fucking drunk are you?" Ashton asked, looking concerned.

"Probably past the legal limit, but who cares?" I laughed. Michael shook his head and walked away with Ashton tagging along. I wonder where Luke is. Ah ha! I seeee him. He's with a girl too. Jeez he worked pretty fast. Wait a minute. He's not with just any girl. He's with his sister, Savannah. Why the fuck am I staying the obvious? I stumbled over to them and Savannah hid behind Luke's back.

"Hey Calum. Lemme guess, you're drunk?" He asked smirking.

"Hell yeah I am!" I replied.

"I'd like to have a little chat with Calum. Luke why don't you go flirt or do whatever you usually do with girls." Savannah suggested. She wants to talk to me? I'm screwed. Or maybe not...

•Savannah's POV•

"Are you sure?" Luke asked.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Just go." I said. And with that he wakes off. I took Calum's arm and dragged him into the kitchen. I took another drink and downed it in a few seconds.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Calum asked nervously.

"I know you want to apologize to me. And you don't have to. Cause I don't think I can ever really forgive you for you what you've done." I said. He held his head really low. But then he glanced up at me and he crashed his lips onto mine. I was so drunk and in the moment that I kissed him back. He pulled away and tugged my hand as he started walking out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. I knew where this was heading, but for some reason, I didn't freak out and run to find Luke. The alcohol must really be kicking in now. He unlocked one of the doors and I followed him in. He locked it behind him and turned to me. I had already gotten on his bed and laid down, and after that everything went black.

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