Chapter 23

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•Savannah's POV•

After all of Calum's wounds were cleaned and stitched up, we were given instructions on hot to care for him, and then they allowed us to sign him out because he had officially been released! I let out a long shaky breath as we all got into the car, me and Luke helping Cal of course. Then Luke helped me into the back seat, and i strapped Willow back in her car seat. I gave Luke a thumbs up, signaling that i was ready and we could finally head home. Today was such a long day.

I could feel my eyes begin to droop shut as my car made its way down the long, twisty roads back to our house. And i smiled at how pretty the trees looked on each side of the road. It reminded me of the trips my mother took Luke, Ben, and i on. We used to play such fun games in the car and she would always take us out to eat. I miss those days. And then everything went black.

•Calum's POV•

I looked in the mirror to find Savannah passed out with her head lying against the window. I took a quick picture and posted it on Twitter. She's gonna kill me later. Oops? I also sent out another tweet telling the fans that I'm okay. Then I set my phone back down and glanced over to Luke, who was humming one of our songs while watching traffic.

"Luke?" I asked. He stopped humming and looked at me before averting his eyes back to the road.

"Yeah, Cal?" He replied.

"Why does she care so much about me? I was such a jerk to her! I got her pregnant for Christ's sake! How could she care about someone as terrible as me?" I asked honestly. He let out a small huff.

"Because she loves you, Cal. Even after all these years, you made things up to her, and believe it or not, you've given her everything she's ever wanted since she was little. Love, marriage, a family. That's all she's ever wanted Calum. You made that possible for her. And I know you love her too. That's the only reason why i gave you my blessing. Because I know you're going to take care of her and Willow when I'm not here."

What did he mean, when I'm not here?

"I'm not quite sure I get what you're talking about. What do you mean when you're not here?" I asked, beginning to worry.

"Nothing. I just mean when I have my own family and I'm not living with you guys anymore." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew. You scared me for a minute there. I thought something was wrong with you." I said, chuckling lightly. Luke shook his head and laughed with me.

We pulled into the driveway a few minutes later. Luke parked the car and got out, grabbing Willow and walking to unlock the front door. I carefully got out and opened the other door to wake Savannah up. I put my hand on her shoulder and started pushing lightly.

"Babe. We're home." I chimed, still shaking her shoulder.

She groaned and mumbled a few profanities under her breath. I chuckled and unbuckled her seat belt. She opened her eyes fully and got out of the car. I watched, trying not to laugh, as she stomped her way up the driveway and into the house.

I followed closely behind her as she made her way up the stairs. She walked straight into our room, but I didn't follow. I walked down the hall to Willow's room to find Luke getting her situated in her crib.

"I could've put her down for a nap Luke. You didn't have to." I said quietly so I wouldn't wake my sleeping daughter up.

"Cal, are you kidding? It's nothing, trust me. Go rest. You need to." He said sternly.

"Alright dad. Thank you for taking care of my daughter." I chuckled, walking back to my room.

•Savannah's POV•

I almost fell back asleep before Calum walked back in the room.

"Cuddle?" I asked, opening my arms up for him. He chuckled and carefully laid next to me, engulfing me in his arms.


"Yeah Sav?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you guys more!" Luke said from outside the door. I laughed into Calum's chest. He chuckled, his chest vibrating, making me snuggle deeper into him.

"I can't wait to marry you babe." Cal said, resting his chin on my forehead.

"I can't wait either." I replied.

"Did you tell your parents about Willow?" I asked nervously. I felt him gulp as the words flew from my mouth.

"No, actually. They know I proposed, and they know about the accident but they don't know about my daughter." He choked.

"You want to tell them together?" I suggested.

"Sure." He mumbled.

"Okay. We should do it today, though. They deserve to know Calum." I said truthfully.

"I know, and you're right. Why don't we just tell them tomorrow when we tell Mike and Ashton?" He replied.

"That's works. I almost forgot they were coming!" I chuckled. Cal joined me and we laughed for a good bit.

"Get some sleep Savannah. It's been a long day." He said, hugging me closer to his chest.

"Okay." I replied, letting darkness take over as I fell further into deep sleep.

Hey guys! Can't believe there's only 32 days until Christmas and it's practically Thanksgiving already! Where does time go? Well, here's another chapter for y'all. Enjoy.

Pretty please check out my other story! I've been working on it all day, and I keno there's only two technical chapters but I think you guys will like it just as much as this one, so check it out! Thanks!

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