Chapter 7

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•Savannah's POV•
*****the next day*****

I didn't sleep very well at all last night. In fact, I think I may have only gotten about two hours of sleep. I cried most of the night. I don't want my brother to leave me. I want to tell Calum that im pregnant and he's the dad, but I'm just too scared that he'll hit me even more than he did before, and when the baby is born, he'll hit him or her too. I just wish that none of this would've happened. But I wouldn't be expecting this little boy or girl so in a way I'm glad and in a way I'm not.

I carefully got up out of bed and threw on some sweats and a loose shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother to put on any makeup. I walked into the living room to see Luke and my mom hugging. They were both crying, but how can I blame them. My mom had to leave for work, so it was just me and Luke going to the airport.

•Luke's POV•

The car ride to the airport was completely silent. I was sad that I would have to leave Savannah. But I know she's a strong girl. And I know she'll get through this with or without me. I just wish I knew who the father was. I would beat the living shit out of him. No questions asked. I was pulled out of my train of thought when I heard a faint sniffle. I quickly glanced to my right to see Savannah quietly sobbing.

"Sav. Please don't cry. You're gonna make me start crying." I pleaded.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Luke." She said, her sobs getting louder.

"I'll miss you too baby girl. But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it and then I'll help out as much as I can with my little niece or nephew. Then I'll have the boys come for the summer and they can help out too. Then maybe you can come with us on our American tour." I replied, tears threatening to fall.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise." I stated.

We had already made it to the airport and were parked in the parking lot. I got out of the car and went around the back to the trunk to grab my suitcases. Savannah got out slowly and grabbed one of my suitcases while I dragged the other two. Her eyes were so puffy and red. It hurt me to see her so sad. i tried my best to put a happy face forward. I had to stay strong for her. we slowly walked through the doors of the airport and over to the boys. They all had smiles on their faces, and i was the odd one out.


Savannah's POV

I hate saying goodbye like this. I'm going to be moving soon, and my brother is leaving me for almost a whole year. I'm pregnant. I'm only 17. Calum doesnt know he's the father or that i'm even pregnant. My life is so messed up at this point. And i don't know what i did to deserve it to be this way.

We made our way over to the other boys, but I didn't really bother to look up at them. I was too engulfed in my own thoughts and emotions to look at the four boys that were leaving me. I know it's not their fault, but I just wish they could be here helping me even though they don't even know why I need help yet. Especially Calum. God, Calum. Even the thought of him just makes me want to burst into even more tears than I'm already in. He did this to me. He bullied me all of high school. And he continued to do so even after the rest of the boys apologized.

"Savannah?" I heard Luke say, as I was finally snapping out of my thoughts.

"What? Sorry I was just thinking about... Stuff." I replied, trying to not sound suspicious to the other boys.

"We gotta say our last good byes." Luke mumbled, looking down at his feet. He was tearing up. I acted quickly and wrapped my arms around him tightly, knowing this would be the last time I would get to do this for a long time. It seemed like an eternity until he finally let go. I looked him in the eyes and gave him a weak smile. I probably looked awful.

"Love you Lucifer."

"Love you more Satan." I lightly laughed. Michael walked over to me and I hugged him.

"Be careful please. And stay safe." He mumbled in my neck. I nodded. He released me and I walked up to Ashton and hugged him as well. He smiled at me, which I weakly returned.

Then I glanced over to Calum. He was looking at me as well. I'm not gonna lie, I am going to miss him too. I walked up to him and he was just about to say something before I cut him off and pulled him closely into an awfully tight hug. He slowly brought his arms up around me.

"We're gonna miss you." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me like I had two heads, but I just backed away and stood next to Luke. He looked at me weirdly as well, but I just mumbled that I would tell him later.

"Flight 162 to Miami, Florida is now boarding." I heard the lady at the desk say over the intercom. My face dropped. I waved to all the boys and watched them disappear one by one, Calum going last. He started to walk but turned around and looked at me. Then before I knew it, he ran up to me and crashed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

•Calum's POV•

What could she have meant by saying 'We're gonna miss you.' It makes no sense. I couldn't leave her like this. I needed to tell her how I actually felt. Ever since the night of my party I realized that I loved her and I wasn't going to let her go that easily. Even though I can't remember much from that night, I do know that I really enjoyed talking with her in my kitchen, even if we were arguing.

I stopped walking and turned around to face her. It's now or never, Calum, so man up. I ran up to Savannah and kissed her with all the passion I possibly could. I wanted it to stay like this for forever, but I knew it couldn't. I slowly pulled away.

"I love you Savannah. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna miss you so much." I whispered.

"I'll miss you too Calum. I wish it could be this easy, but you have to go before you miss your flight. I'll call tonight." She mumbled, handing me my bag that I had dropped on the floor, giving a quick embrace and backing up, waiting for me to go get on the plane. She waved and I walked away.

So Calum told Savannah how he felt. The boys left for their tour. Savannah sort of told Calum that she's pregnant. And now Calum is mad. I'm sure ya'll know why, but if you don't I'll be clarifying that in the next chapter so don't worry if you're confused.

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