Chapter 30

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•Savannah's POV•

The honeymoon went quite well if i do say so myself, but i was anxious to see my daugter again. Plus, we would be taking her back to our new beach house in a few weeks once we had everyhing packed up from our old house in America. The other boys are going to be staying with us again for a bit so they can record their new album.

We were currently back on the private jet, headed back to Australia. I nuzzled my head into Calum's neck, trying to get comfy enough to sleep through the long flight.

"I love you Savannah."

"I love you more."


"Nuh uh."

"Yes huh!"




"No!" I smirked in victory.

"Ha! I win babe! You even just admitted it yourself!" I said, sticking my tongue out like a five year old.

"No fair! You tricked me!" He whined, pushing me away from him.

I scoffed playfully and walked to another seat, leaving him there pouting.

"Too bad, babe!" I exclaimed, plopping myself in a new seat.

Calum huffed and I watched as he made his way over to me. He only stopped in front of me for a few seconds before lifting me up and throwing me onto his shoulder and walking towards another section of the plane that I hadn't been in before.

"Calum! Put me down!" I wailed, pounding on his back with my fists.

"Okay." He said and threw me done.

I almost screamed, but when I landed on a soft, cloud like material, I stopped myself and looked around. He just threw me onto a bed. This private jet had a fucking bedroom in it?! Where the hell have I been that I didn't know about all this shit!

"Why'd you bring me back here?" I asked, scooting myself so that I was now sitting up.

"Cause you were tired, and I wanted an excuse to cuddle." He replied and tried to wrap his arms around me.

I pushed him away playfully, but when I looked up, he had hurt in his eyes.


"Cal." I started reaching over to him. He only turned away from me so that I was facing his back.

"Calum Thomas Hood! Look at me." I said sternly, yet still calmly.

He turned back to me and rolled his eyes, smirking.

"I love you so very very much. I'm sorry you're on your period right now, but that doesn't mean you get to be a bitch. I'm only one that gets to be a bitch." That earned a gasp and a slap on the arm.

"You didn't let me finish!" I exclaimed, laughing at his childish behavior.

"You are my husband, and I'm sorry you have to deal with me, but that doesn't mean every time I get mad or play hard to get that you have to act even worse than I do." I finished.

He looked shocked, but then he just flashed his goofy little grin that I love so much.

He was playing with me this entire time!

"Cuddle?" He asked still smirking. He laid down and patted the spot next to him.

"You're gonna pay for that one later, Hood." I growled, laying down and pulling his arm over my torso.

"Whatever you say, Hood." He replied, emphasizing my new last name.

All of a sudden, a familiar, yet unpleasant feeling aroused in my stomach and I ran to the plane's huge bathroom. I flipped the toilet seat up and before I even had time to think about what was wrong, my breakfast was discarded from my mouth. An also familiar pair of hands held my hair back while rubbing soothing circles along the top of my spine.

I flushed the toilet and stood up carefully, wiping my mouth before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom to go lay back down. But something stopped me, turned me around, and held me close to them.


"Yeah?" I replied, my voice cracking due to his current tone.

"This can't be another secret." He said, a small tear rolling down his cheek. I swept it away with my thumb.

"I swear on my life I didn't know anything about this. I have a few tests on me from Willow. I'll take one now to be sure." I said, walking out towards where we left our luggage.

I dug through my backpack until I found two tests, taking them back to the bathroom. Calum had an anxious look on his face, almost like he was trying to hide his excitement in case I wasn't actually pregnant. I gave him a small smile and inhaled deeply before closing the bathroom door behind me.


I was growing impatient as ten minutes passed by and yet still not results! Calum wanted to see the test as soon as the results came, but I said that I wanted it to be a surprise for him. Of course he gave in.

Wait, why am I still rambling in my head? For Christ's sake I should be focusing on the test! I looked down at the two sticks that determined the next step in my marriage.

They were both...


Sorry for the wait! Here's another chapter!

Leave a comment for whether or not you think Savannah's pregnant.

And if she is, what do you think the gender would be?




Enjoy loves! 😘


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