Chapter 19

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•Savannah's POV•

Calum pulled the car into a parking lot of an unfamiliar building. To be honest, almost every building in the area is unfamiliar to me since I haven't lived here that long.

"Where are we?" I asked, scoping the area.

"You'll see, but we have to go inside first." Cal explained, getting out of the car, and walking over to assist me of getting out of the car. He pulled me up carefully, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pecked his lips and placed my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Savannah. That was nothing compared to whatever else I would do for you. You don't understand how much and Willow mean to me. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to either of you." He replied.

"You know, you've grown up a lot Calum. I've never seen you act so mature before." I stated.

He simply smiled and trailed kisses along my neck.

"Why thank you. I promised myself I would for Willow's sake. I needed to be a good father figure for her in order to prove to you that I really want to be in both of your lives." He said, releasing me to look into my eyes.

"I love you, Cal. And I'm so glad things worked out the way they did."

"I love you way more than you'll ever know, Savannah. And hopefully I'll be able to make you officially mine one day. Damn, I'd be the happiest guy alive." He raised his voice with joy, and my heart skipped a few beats. My stomach felt like it was coming up in my throat.

"You want t-to get m-married?" I asked.

"Of course. I want the best for our little family. What about you? Don't you want get married?" He confessed.

"I want to get married, yes. Just not right now." I answered, truthfully.

"I've thought about it a lot. And now that I have my family, I need to make sure no one takes it away from me." Calum shrugged.

"Willow and I aren't going anywhere." I reassured him, snaking my arm around his waist.

We walked inside the building, only to find that it was a spa! I looked over at Calum with a shocked expression. He just smirked and dragged me up to the front counter.

"I scheduled a couples appointment under the name Hood." Calum says in his deep, intimidating voice.

The cheery girl working the desk simply nodded and picked up the phone sitting on her work area, dialing a number I couldn't decipher, since I couldn't see the numbers. I shifted my weight over to my other foot, waiting patiently. Calum tapped his fingers against the tough, natural looking stone counter top, an impatient expression washed over his face. The girl finally got off of the phone and gave us the peppiest smile I have ever seen from anyone I have ever known over the age of 15.

"Our specialist will be out for you shortly. If you'd like to take a seat on some of the chair over there, you're more than welcome." She smiled, pointing over to a set of cushioned chairs and couches. Calum nodded and led me over to the chairs, sitting down. I sat beside him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I could never thank you enough for all you're doing for me." I said, resting my eyes as we waited.

"It's nothing really. I know you needed to relieve some stress after just having Willow. Plus the trauma of getting into that car crash. You scared me so bad. I thought you weren't going to make it. I didn't know about the baby so I wasn't worried about that, I was only worried about you." He mumbled, planting his chin upon my head.

"It's great to know I have you, Calum. I don't know what I would have done if things worked out differently, but I'm glad for the life you've given me." I said.

"I should be the one that's glad I got such a beautiful little baby girl as my daughter, and an even more beautiful girl as her mom, and I can't even begin to describe how much I love her and my daughter." He stated, pulling me closer to him.

"When we get back home, I wanna cuddle with you in bed all day."

Cal chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"I wish we could, but remember we have a daughter who's not even a week old waiting for us when we get back. I'm sure Luke doesn't want to be in charge of her all day, no matter how much he loves her." He said, making me laugh at how mature he sounded.

"I just can't get over how mature you've become. And I know you'll always have a wild, immature side, which doesn't bother me one bit. I'm just so proud of all four of you boys for how much you've grown together into fine young men." I said truthfully.

"Appointment for two, under the name Hood." A shortish girl with bleach blonde hair said, gesturing for us to follow behind her.

We followed her to a small room, where she handed us each a white robe, and directions to the changing areas. I changed into the robe quite quickly, and waited outside the room for Calum. Once he emerged for his separate little room, the blonde girl led us a completely different room with two little cot-looking table beds, with shelves filled with tons of different essential oils and lotions. The girl instructed us to lie down while she went to alert the masseuses that we were here.

"Thank you Cal. I really appreciate all this. I'll pay you back once I start my job and-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"It's nothing Savannah. This is your time to relax and relieve some stress from having the baby. You've already given me a daughter. And a potential wife if things work out, so you don't owe me anything more." He reassured me, even though I was going to sneak a few twenties in his wallet later while he wasn't looking. But he'll never know, will he?


Sorry this chapter took so long. I had a little bit of writer's block, but I finally finished it! Hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think!! 😊

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