Chapter 32

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•Calum's POV•
I held onto Savannah's hand as we pulled up into the driveway of my parents' house. We all got out and I grabbed all our bags while Sav's dad carried her backpack. I watched my wife run into the house and squeal at the sight of our daughter crawling around on the floor.

Willow crawled into Savannah's arms and I dropped all of our bags and walked over to my daughter. I squished both of my girls into a hug, kissing the top of Willow's head, making her giggle. Then I walked over to Luke and he pretty much tackled me.

"This is the longest I've ever been away from you, mate!" He squealed in my ear.

"Oh Em Gee! We should celebrate our reunion by going to Starbucks with the other girls later!" I said in the girliest voice i could possibly make.

"YAASSSSSSS! I NEED COFFEE WITH MY BITCHES!!" Luke exclaimed, flailing his arms around like an idiot.

I could've sworn i almost fell over due to how hard i was laughing. That's just how stupid Luke and I are sometimes, and Savannah knows it too. I could even hear her laughter from behind me, which made me want to laugh even more.

"I'll call the girls and set it up later, Regina." I stated, snapping my finger and turning to walk away.

"See ya later Gretchen!" Luke replied, flipping his 'long' hair with his hand.

I chuckled to myself and walked back over to my wife and daughter. Savannah was still laughing while I took Willow from her and placed little kisses all over her face.

"Daddy missed you so much while he and mummy were away." I exclaimed, squeezing her in my arms to emphasize.

She merely giggled and clapped her little hands together. I set her down and assisted Savannah, who had finally stopped laughing, to stand up. I noticed that Rob was just standing by the door, awkwardly watching all of us interact with each other.

He glanced over at me and I signaled for him to come in, which he gladly accepted. The room suddenly got quiet, and everyone had their eyes on him. Oh, great. Here we go.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Luke asked, his face warming to a reddish tone.

"I wanted to come see you guys and apologize for my absence." Rob replied, folding his hands in front of him.

"Apology not excepted." Luke grunted, stomping up the stairs.

Liz stood at the bottom of the stairs calling his name, yet all we heard was a door slam shut. I sighed and walked over to Rob, patting his shoulder.

"Just give him some time. I'll talk to him later." I reassured him.

The look or sorrow and dismay in his eyes really made me feel his pain. Wait, that sounded weird. Since when am I so sappy?

"Thank you Calum. And thanks once again for taking such great care of my daughter." Rob replied, pulling me into a hug.

"Pleasure's all mine, sir." I said, making him chuckle.

I walked back over to Savannah, wrapping my arms around her stomach, kissing her cheek.

"Should we tell them now? Or should we wait?" I froze, remembering the baby.

•Savannah's POV•
"Yeah we can do it now." He whispered into my ear.

He released me from behind and took my hand in his leading us to the center of the living room.

"Attention family!" Calum said, loud and proud.

Everyone's attention was now focused on us. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, but my smile stayed present.

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