Chapter 36

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•Calum's POV•
I stared at the screen, marveling the tiny baby that was growing inside of my wife. It was creepy and beautiful all at the same time. I think I might cry.

"Don't cry babe," Savannah cooed, cupping my cheeks.

She wiped the tears from beneath eyes, pouting. I laughed, placing my hands over the tops of hers.

"Savannah, give me five minutes to get some pictures for you guys and then you can be on your way. Sound okay?" The nurse asked.

Savannah simply nodded, pulling her attention back to me. She wiped off the gross looking gel before pulling her shirt down and sitting up. I held my arms out wide, in which she leaned into my chest and I kept her close, enveloping her.

"We're having a baby, Cal."

"I know. It's so surreal, even for being the second time around. It's just so different, like I can't quite wrap my head around it," I said, resting my chin on the very top of her head.

•Savannah's POV•
I told Calum that he could drive us home since he wasn't an emotional wreck anymore. I sat in the passenger seat and sent a picture of the baby to Quinn. The car was awkwardly silent, but we both were stuck in our own thoughts, so it was okay.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Cal asked.

"I have a feeling it's a boy, but we never know. You might just get another daddy's girl, babe." I chuckled, leaning my head back against the seat.

"Oh you're on! It's a girl. I can feel it," he said, rubbing my tummy.

I laughed even more at my husband while he kept his eyes on the road. I smiled at the simple thought of Calum as my husband. Even though it's been like this for a little while now, it still feels as if we had just started dating.

It still amazes me that a year ago, I was absolutely terrified of the man in front of me. (technically he's behind me but you get my point) And now, I couldn't be any happier or fall deeper in love than I have. He has brought the best out in me.

I smiled as I thought of the day he asked me to give him one last chance. How I almost declined his offer. I'm so glad I accepted. As I pondered about how my life would be different if I hadn't made the same decisions within my past life, Calum kissed me on the cheek.

I had just then noticed that we were back at the house. I leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips, eager to get inside and see my little flower, Willow. I unbuckled my seat belt and hurried through the door, leaving Cal behind to laugh at me.

My brother's footsteps sounded about, and down the stairs he came. A sloppy grin laid upon his face, almost hidden by the shaved scruff he recently grew. I don't like it, but I would never tell him that. He thinks it's a lady magnet.

Willow sat in his arms, her arms reaching forward towards me. I smiled and took her, blowing little raspberries in neck. Gurgling noises and a lot of drool were her only reactions, but it was enough to make me happy. She's getting so big, almost a year old already. Time sure does fly by.

I think I should change something; it's becoming quite boring around the house. The boys are currently on a break, so they haven't been doing much besides playing video games and barely going outside.

Being the evil mother that I am, I shut their game systems off for a whole hour and pushed them outside to do something... Anything! I didn't want to see any of them getting fat and unfit, so I told them to go swimming or play some football (soccer).

I called Quinn over and told her to bring a swimming suit. It was over eighty degrees in Melbourne, and being two months pregnant with swollen feet and many other things really wears your body out. So a nice relaxing swim in the cool chlorinated water sounded absolutely magnificent.

I headed up to my room with Willow and changed into a bikini, then put Willow in a swimming diaper. I loaded her up with sun screen so that she wouldn't burn and slid on my flip flops. My feet carried us down the stairs and into the back yard, where Quinn had already made her self at home.

"How'd you get here so quick?" I asked, chuckling.

"I was already on my way over when you called." My eyebrows knitted together with complete confusion.

"And why would that be?" I questioned.

"Because Calum asked me to come over. He wanted help planning something and I agreed to help. But you didn't get any of this information from me. So don't tell him anything!" She pleaded, running her slim fingers through her hair.

"Alright, calm down. I won't tell him. I'm just wondering what the fuck he's planning that I can't know about," I chuckled at her worried expression, which slowly faded into a smile.

I dropped my towel on the the lounge chair next to hers. Then I took my shear throw over off and set it on the chair as well. Then I walked over to the stairs and slowly stepped into the water. I instantly felt the refreshing cool temperature soothing my aching feet.

Willow giggled as I lowered myself into the water. I spun her around, legs dangling in the chlorinated liquid. My lips planted raspberry kisses on her stomach, causing her to laugh even more. Quinn came in soon after, taking Willow from me as she walked around the pool.

"Savannah, I won't be able to stay in long. Calum wants me to meet him in an hour to discuss your surprise. If you mention anything about it to him I'll beat your ass, pregnant or not. Understood?" she said in a stern voice.

"Yes mother," I laughed, cuddling willow into my chest.

I walked over and grabbed her little baby floaty and placed her in it so I could swim around a bit without having to hold her. I went underwater, enjoying the cool sensation of the water against my face. I blew a few air bubbles before coming back to the surface.

I wiped my eyes and then opened them to see Quinn entertaining Willow. She blew raspberries against her cheeks, making Willow giggle profusely. I just can't believe how big she's gotten, and to think that she's only going to continue growing just amazes me.

If only I could live in these moments with my family and friends forever.

Hello guys! I FINALLY finished another update. Sorry it took me so long. I had a little writer's block and with trying to start another story I've just been so busy and I didn't have a whole lot of time set aside for this story.



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