Chapter 26

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•Calum's POV•
We had all gotten into the plane and settled our selves before Savannah fell asleep. I can't believe that in a week she'll be my wife and I can finally call her Mrs. Hood. I got goosebumps just thinking about it.

Willow was also asleep, and I got to hold her while we were flying, as I had requested. She began to lightly snore and I chuckled quietly. Then I felt Savannah's head fall over onto my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and stared back down at our daughter.

She had opened her eyes and was fully awake. She smiled at me and made a small gurgling noise which made me laugh even more. My phone lit up with a Twitter message from Luke. He had taken a picture of all of us and tweeted it. He captioned it with:

'So happy for my little sister and Calum. Can't wait for the wedding!'

I commented thanking him and put my phone away, paying attention to what the flight attendant was telling us.

•Savannah's POV•

My eyes peeled their way open to find Calum shaking my shoulder lightly, Willow sleeping in his arms.

"It's time to wake up, love. The plane is about to land." Cal said softly.

I sat up, pulling Willow's bag off the floor. Then I watched as we came closer and closer to the ground. I stretched my arms out to my daughter and Calum handed her over. I held her up and kissed all over her little face, which made her smile and giggle. Cal and I chuckled at her and I situated her back in her car seat and held it on one of my arms, her bag on the other.

"Babe, would you mind carrying my suitcase?" I asked Calum.

"Anything for my girl." He winked.

I just smiled and shook my head. I still can't believe I'm marrying my bully. Never in a million years would I have pictured myself married to Calum, much less having a baby. But I wouldn't change anything for the world.

The plane landed on the ground and we exited into the familiar building that the boys left me at just six measly months ago. I smiled as I remembered the first time I hinted I had been pregnant to Calum. I heard a huge squeal and my mother came running towards us. I set Willow's car seat on the ground and engulfed her into my small frame. I felt her warm tears begin to fall on my shoulders, soaking my shirt in the process.

I held her for a few more moments and then she released herself from me to go and hug Luke. Then she picked up Willow and began to coo sweet little nothings to her as she walked around. I laughed slightly and walked over to see Calum, who was currently talking to his own parents. His mum greeted me with a hug, and his father did the same, and it felt nice, as I had never really had a father in my life before. Then Cal's mum ran over to my mum, they both awed and cooed at my daughter and Calum put his arm around my shoulders.

I held onto his arm and leaned into him, watching our families interact so well with each other.

"My parents really like you Savannah. You don't have to worry about anything. In fact, they've always kinda wanted us to get together." Cal chuckled.

"My mom loves you, and well, we don't have to worry about Luke." I replied, laughing along with him.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I released Calum's arm to turn around and I saw a very familiar face.

"BEN!" I squealed, jumping into his arms.

"Hey Savy." He breathed out, engulfing me into his arms.

"I thought you weren't coming?" I said, confused as to what my older brother had been doing back in his home town after all these years.

"Well, your soon-to-be hubby over here got my number off of our dear brother Lucas and he gave me a call. And now i'm here." Ben simply said.

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