Chapter 2

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•Savannah' POV•
I parked the car in my usual spot and Quinn got out, but I stayed in and fixed my make up so I wouldn't look like a complete wreck once I got into the building. I pulled myself together and got out of the car.

I walked into school and straight to my locker so I could get my books and try to head to class safely without getting pushed or taunted. It rarely ever happens that I get out of a beating, but there are just some very, very lucky days. Hopefully today was one of them. I opened my locker and started to pull my English and Math books out when my locker door slammed shut, crushing my fingers inside, causing me to gasp kinda loud.

I looked down as I tried to fight back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Luke already saw you cry. You can't let anyone else see it. Keep it together. A few tears fell. What the fuck is up with me. I heard laughing around me. I pried my fingers carefully from the locker and shut it closed with my good hand. Then I turned and started walking towards my first period class. But then a strong grip on my wrist stopped me from doing so. I winced a little but I don't think it was that noticeable.

"Where do you think you're going, huh?" Calum asked, a smirk spread across his face.

"Math, now let me go. I'm tired of all of you beating me around for no fucking reason. What did I do to all of you huh? What in bloody hell did I do to deserve all of this?!" I spat. Now I was really crying. I felt a fist connect with my jaw, and then everything went black.

I woke up and blinked a few times due to the bright light above me. I tried to sit up but someone gently pushed me back down. I looked over to see the school nurse, Mrs. Mitter.

"How are you feeling dear?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Can I go to class now?" I asked.

"If you're sure you're feeling okay then yes you can go back. Calum was the one who brought you here, and he'll take you to class." The nurse stated, walking back into her office.

I groaned and got off of the bed taking my books from Calum and walking out into the hallway. I noticed I had forgotten to put bracelets on my wrist this morning. Seriously, what is up with me lately? I tried to let it slide hoping that Calum, or anyone else wouldn't notice. I glanced over cautiously to Calum, and he gave me a weird look, so I just looked away and walked a little faster. It was no use, he picked up his speed a little bit, and grabbed my good wrist (thank the lord!) and stopped me.

"What." I snapped, getting annoyed.

"Don't talk to me like that!" He snapped back.

"You know what? I'm done. Maybe I should take everyone's advice and just kill myself. I mean this world would be a better place without me, right?" I said, tears threatening to fall at any moment now. I yanked my hand away and hurried to class, leaving him standing there, speechless, kinda like how I left my hellish brother this morning. I knew the taunting and the beatings wouldn't stop, but I'm just sick of the way I'm treated.

"Calum stopped at the water fountain on the way back from the nurse. He should be here soon." I said to the math teacher, Mrs. Gonza, as I walked into the classroom. She nodded and went back to her lesson. I sat down and pulled out my notes since that's what we seemed to taking right now so we could use them to study for the test next week.

Someone, dare I say his name right now, walked in and took the seat next to me and kept his head hung low. Good. He should feel bad. And of course, Luke and Michael are in my class too. Luke is staring down at his notes, but I can feel Michaels glare burning through the back of my head. What a great day this has been so far. What's next?

Sorry the chapters aren't very long. They'll get better from here I promise. I've got some twists coming just wait and see 😏😏😏

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