Chapter 33

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•Savannah's POV•
I entered my small bedroom from which i spent all of my childhood in. I looked to see Calum sprawled out on my queen sized bed, sleeping with Willow on his chest. I silently 'awed' at the sight, taking out phone and snapping a quick picture. I put it on Instagram and Twitter, tagging Calum in both.

And of course, the hate comments began, but so did the support and all of the fans saying how cute Willow was and such things like that. I rolled my eyes at the hater and smiled to myself at all the beautiful compliments my daughter was getting. I shut my phone off and cuddled into Calum's side after switching the lights off. I ran my fingers along the top of Willow's head and slowly began to drift off to sleep, holding my stomach and the other two most important people in my life.


"Love, it's time to get up, we practically missed dinner." I shot up at the mentioning of food, which made Calum chuckle.

I opened my eyes to see him sit up with a very happy Willow in his arms. I took her off of him, kissing her precious little cheeks as she giggled, drool slipping onto her chin. I smiled and cradled her in one arm, getting off the bed.

I walked over to my vanity and began fixing my hair in the mirror before Cal came up behind me, placing his hands on my stomach, and kissing my cheek. I laughed, turning so that our lips met.

"You look amazing, don't worry about your hair. Let's go eat before they get worried." Cal said.

I sighed, handing Willow back over to him, and then threw my hair up into a messy bun. Cal growled at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him and walked towards the hallway. He followed shaking his head. We made our way downstairs, seeing everyone sitting in the living area with plates full of food on their laps.

"So nice of you to join us, dear sister." Luke teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed a plate from the kitchen for Cal, Willow, and I. Then I made a quick bottle for Willow, while putting food onto each of our plates at the same time.

Yes. Before you ask, I am an amazing multi-tasker. No questions asked. I put all of the plates on my arms and walked back to the living room. It was easy for me to carry a lot since I used to be a waiter at a local diner near school. I set everything down and plopped myself next to Calum on the couch.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking Willow and handing him his plate.

"Thanks babe." He mumbled, taking the food.

I put Willow in my lap, popping the bottle in her mouth before finally beginning to eat my own food. I moaned as soon as my fork hit the inside of my mouth. Mum's cooking was always the best. She always had my favorite comfort foods right when I needed them.

"Once again, delicious meal Mum." I said to my mum, who was currently sitting next to my father quite awkwardly.

She flashed me a smile and nodded, unable to speak due to the circumstances. I flashed her the same smile back, sympathy surely present in my eyes. Her smile diminished and I went back to eating.

Willow began crying, and I quickly sprang into action, setting my plate now next to Cal. I stood up and took her into a different room and began to sing to her.

"For awhile we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say good bye

You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane doors
I can barely hold it all inside

Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of
Wherever you are
Wherever you are

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